eWeekly (The new World/ The NAP and more...)

Day 3,616, 04:44 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by 2nd Division

page.1: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BG/EN / "Грехът на НАП-а"
page.2: Congratz, Spain! / Monkey Dance BG]/EN
page.3: Tchaikovsky BG/EN / Игра / Adele / HaMav BG/EN

Dear readers,

I am sure most of you are familiar with the abbreviation NAP. Probably when mentioned, you start thinking of many arrangements, bargain, endless negotiations, rumors, lies, tricks and many other negative things. This is why the recently accepted NAP law surprised everyone. This is the fastest NAP negotiation that I have seen since I started playing this game. Before going through the reasons and consequences of the said NAP, let’s have a look back at the events that led to its conclusion.

As opposed to real life history that teaches us that lightning fast wars almost never lead to success, here this kind of war fulfilled its purpose. A few times, I dare say. After Turkey’s revolution against Finland and Russia and the followed liberation of South America, it was clear that the winds of rebellion were heading towards the Balkans. The governments of eBulgaria and eMacedonia were aware of the upcoming attacks but didn’t take any measures. In fact they welcomed the NAP (Non Aggression Pact) proposal with relief.

The winner in this situation turned out to be Colin


1. The eHistory remembers many wars fought by Bulgarians and Macedonians against the Greek. They were all long lasting and intense. The “ping-pong wars” and occupations are not something new to either side. Both the Greek and Macedonia and Bulgaria are rather apathetic when it comes to losing territories to the enemy.

2. Both Bulgarians and Macedonians are used to retreating during Energy Bar/Pack sales, providing that after a while real money stops having an impact on the battlefield.

3. Bulgarians and Macedonians don’t tend to fight intensively in their occupied regions. But when some of their original territories gets attacked, the battles become furious and the players – united.

4. The same applies to Serbians and Romanians. Colin fights against them in their colonies, not in their original territories. One thing is for sure and he knows it: Serbia and Romania are not Russia and Finland.

On top of that, Colin had to fight them not only with credit card and recently bought strong accounts but also with sleepless nights, spent in negotiations, giving combat orders, organization and so forth. A sickness that I don’t wish to anyone.
Sure this war would’ve required many resources from both sides. Maybe Bulgaria and Macedonia would’ve lost their colonies in India.. Maybe “Colin’s map” would’ve gone down the drain.. But surely no one could’ve coped with something like this both physically and mentally.



The reasons are many and of different kind.
Maybe it was the weariness of eMacedonia’s government. Maybe it was the young eBulgarian president who promised not to spend any real life money on the game. Maybe it was the decision to help some of our allies… Maybe it was the poor communication with them (there wasn’t any cooperation). Or the mistakes in UAE and Cuba… or maybe it was the approaching event and many other reasons that we could add to the already long list.

But the main reason that many (especially some of the Greek) won’t believe, is that in Bulgaria as well as in Macedonia there were many people who called for Greece’s liberation and a NAP with them.
To me a long lasting occupation of a country is even more boring than a “ping-pong” war. Sooner or later, every one of us starts thinking about the people that play on the other side.


Bulgarians and Macedonians are just as stubborn as the Latinos. And having in mind the renowned Greek loyalty and Turkish bargain, negotiations of such kind are almost always doomed to fail. Many times, the past conflicts between the said countries in the real life are an inclination for the negotiations to be unsuccessful.
As the Bulgarian minister of foreign affairs (Old7) sai😛

"Without Colin, the negotiations would’ve taken months."

In reality, Bulgaria and Macedonia concluded a more profitable NAP than the last one. They get to remain in the Arab territories, which the Greek consider to be their original property. On the other side, Greece kept their ally on the Balkans. What impressed me more than the NAP with Greece was how the guys from “GAMA” (renowned for their credit cards and the dictatorship in their own country), agreed to the said NAP in spite of the threat of some of their credit cards turning against them.

Of course, this is a hypothetical threat. But not an improbable one.🙂

In this line of thinking, we can’t neglect Colin’s vital role as a mediator in the negotiations, as well as his contribution to the NAP’s conclusion and the war’s end.

But regardless what we say, we must admit, that

