Every night before I go to sleep...

Day 1,759, 15:18 Published in Canada Canada by Mochan Drust

„Let my hands, full of honor, touch the tings that You created.

Sharp my hearing sense so it can hear Your voice.

Make me wise so I can learn and understand the doctrine that You put in every leaf, in every stone.

I ask for strength, but not to overcome my brothers, but to overcome my biggest enemy – myself !

Give me the tranquility to tolerate the things that I cannot change,

Give me the courage to change the things that I can change.

Give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

I'm not asking to be protected form danger, but to face danger without fear.

I'm not asking for cessation of my pain, but for strong heart to overcome pain.

I'm not asking for allies in my fight, but to rely on my own strength.

I'm not asking for salvation from fear, but for hope to win my freedom.“

( People of Sioux, prayer to Manitou )

P.S. Sorry for a bit rough translation. I did the best I could.