eSouth Africa on Day 1816

Day 1,817, 14:26 Published in South Africa South Africa by Zansi

Wanna keep up with everything happening in eSouth Africa?

Joining your fellow citizens on the official eSouth Africa Forums every day will keep you in the loop, but here is a quick summary of yesterday in case you weren't around....

In the News

eSouth Africa on Day 1815 by Zansi in "eSA Insider"
Mr eRepublik SA, we have a winner! by Vanessa1309 in "Vee's Views"
Hello eSouth Africa by Quimbie Muffins in "Quimbie's Outlet".

You can earn Activity Points and eRand Rewards by being active on the eSouth Africa Forums and publishing articles in eRepublik!

On the Forums

Latest topics/posts on the eSouth Africa Forums:

Mr eRepublik
Creation of YouTube video and use of ViewTube train
Is this fair to the rest of eSA??
PP elections
Society Builders ideas
PG stats
Old player New to forum
Cabinet Discussion November 2012
SAWGO weekly expenditure report
Lets count to 1 million!!!!
BBC logo
Advertise on other gaming sites. (ex. Grepolis, TW, Evony, etc.)
Advertisement posters
Advertise on Stack Exchange
Getting an article in NAG or another South African gaming magazine

plus more....

(Please note that, depending on your forum access rights, you may not have access to all topics listed)

You can earn Activity Points and eRand Rewards by posting topics and replies on the eSouth Africa Forums!

New Forum Members

Stephan IV, Quimbie Muffins and BraveChampion3 joined the official eSouth Africa Forums yesterday.

Welcome! Now you too can earn Activity Points and eRand Rewards for all your eRepublik and eSA activity.

New Births

4 new citizens - Jack Stripes, Teras2011, Samuel lee 92 and Philliyah - were born in eSouth Africa yesterday.

Welcome to eRepublik and to eSouth Africa! Now come join us on the eSouth Africa Forums to get fully involved in your country and start earning Activity Points and eRand Rewards for all your eRepublik and eSA activity!


nobody received any Campaign Hero medals;

LiquidIce [19], Mashaka Kulala [7], Rexdeus [18], Uber kiko [20] and Willdeboer [11] received Battle Hero medals;

nobody received any Resistance Hero medals;

nobody received any Mercenary Hero medals;

Fhaemita Malodorous [84], Allen Webster [88], Luna Tic Moonfang [52], kuckuck [95], Willdeboer [22], stuartfour4 [68], Kaptein Balsak [80], Hwy2hell [97], Away From Keyboard [27], Alex Calance [52], Grimstone [112], Jimakos-Thess [82], Luc Praetor [92] and Steven Bosch [88] received Super Soldier medals;

Had3z [17], Vanessa1309 [16] and Evilmac [18] received Hard Worker medals.

(The amount in brackets is the total quantity of that type of medal that the citizen has received)

Military Ranks

The following eSouth Africans ranked up yesterday:

Luna Tic Moonfang - World Class Force*
AdUnit - Colonel***

Top Rank Points Gain

The following eSouth Africans gained the most Rank Points yesterday:

1 - Gregor Lucius - 907 672
2 - Rexdeus - 829 758
3 - StanEslah - 650 640
4 - kuckuck - 559 312
5 - Allen Webster - 446 490
6 - Fhaemita Malodorous - 442 992
7 - Rico Suave - 327 046
8 - Grimstone - 284 517
9 - Luna Tic Moonfang - 282 803
10 - sikor3k - 275 984

Please note that these are only Rank Points recorded before day change. Actual battle damage will be at least 10 times more

Top Strength Gain

The following eSouth Africans gained the most Strength yesterday:

1 - kuckuck - 95
2 - Crumoet - 91
3 - Fhaemita Malodorous - 91
4 - Luna Tic Moonfang - 91
5 - Gregor Lucius - 91
6 - Mr. Wet - 89
7 - Kaptein Balsak - 89
8 - sikor3k - 88
9 - Steven Bosch - 86
10 - Grimstone - 81

Top Experience Gain

The following eSouth Africans gained the most Experience Points yesterday:

1 - Rexdeus - 532
2 - Gregor Lucius - 360
3 - Mashaka Kulala - 360
4 - kuckuck - 346
5 - Luna Tic Moonfang - 324
6 - LiquidIce - 277
7 - Fhaemita Malodorous - 269
8 - Willdeboer - 264
9 - Léon Reno - 257
10 - StanEslah - 255

Experience Levels

The following eSouth Africans leveled up yesterday:

Gregor Lucius - level 55

Congratulations to one and all!

Don't forget that you can earn Activity Points and eRand Rewards for your eRepublik activity by being an active member of the official eSouth Africa Forums

Please Note: To be included in the lists above you need to be an active South African citizen in-game and an active Certified eSA citizen on the eSA Forums, or an active Honorary eSA citizen on the eSA Forums

eSouth Africa Activity Levels

No citizens leveled up on the eSouth Africa Forums yesterday. Let's be active!

eRand Activity Rewards

The following citizens received an eRand Activity Reward yesterday:

WastelandENT, Skquall, Mr. Wet and Tenshibo.

If you haven't yet, remember to join the official eSouth Africa Forums and join the live chat in the eSouth Africa channel on IRC. Join our community and grow!