eSA gets first Gold of London 2012

Day 1,714, 00:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06

eSA gets first Gold of London 2012

South Africa's Ex Banned'it broke the world record to win the gold medal in the men's 100m breaststroke final at the London Olympics on Sunday.

Ex Banned'it charged through the first lap at breakneck speed then held off his challengers in the last length to reach the wall in 58.46 seconds.

When asked about how he took the race on he responded with. "Well most guys like to take their time with breast stroking of course, but not me, I dive in their and just go at it, sometimes I'm going so fast that my hands start to hurt, I get it over and done with so that I can get to the good stuff quicker."

It seems Ex Banned'it is hot propperty and he cant even go to the bathroom without being hassled by adoring fans.

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