Economix:Work Tickets versus Plain Purchase

Day 3,497, 13:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Is it cheaper to buy Q7 using cc/iep (country currency/iep is the acronym for the irish monetary unit)or to manufacture it using work tickets.

Here is 2 screenshots

I was then on Tycoon Pack.

The last few weeks has not been easy as I ran out of work tickets. So daily I produce and then sell my products and then buy 50 gold currently around 25000 cc and then expand to cover Raw Material for my factories.

Production is 1065

For 50 work tickets

using 213000 WRM

So work tickets = 50 x 240 = 12000
WRM Costs = 8520

Total Costs therefore = 20520 or 19.26 iep per Weapon

Buying one can get it for 19.40 iep per weapon

So in the balancing act of our economy: There is no financial gain from using work tickets to produce Q7 weps.

How do Plato fix this. Its easy change the work tickets consumed for a particular act.

For example what if we consume 0.75 work tickets per Q7 job instead of 1.0 . Certainly then our 50 work tickets would cost us 50 * 0.75 = 37.5 work tickets.

This would require a mere consumption rate added to our existing jobs. No biggie for the crew of Plato.

I would save 12.5 x 240 which isnt much but it atleast give me a motivation to hire people and have them work for me.