eBelgium's military, I'd laugh if it wasn't such a sad joke

Day 1,759, 05:20 Published in Belgium Belgium by shadowukcs

Dear Citizens of eBelgium

For several weeks now, myself (a regular on the eUSA forum) and Fhaemita have been telling the eBelgian government that eUSA is planning on kicking out all it's foreign Supply officers trough means of deliberately giving up regions and by setting the minimum wage to a absurdly high amount of Currency.

Why is this so important you may ask? Because BNA has 3 SO's in eUSA, MaryamQ, Olv007 and Tecuvo. We told president Nohjis of this a long time ago, hoping he would act quickly. This is crucial, as after all, when our SO's wouldn't be able to produce a top amount of guns it would be disastrous for our military and our defence.

A Good President would order his SO's to spread over different countries, minimizing the risk. Allas, our President cannot into spread.

Nohjis cannot into spread. This picture was taken when Nohjis was attempting a spread. Upon asked for a reaction he only commented with "I'm too lazy to spread. Leave me alone while I stare at my shiny presidents medal".

Once they vote in the higher minimum wage, there will be a huge exodus of the several hundreds of SO's currently stationed in eUSA to the 4 other maximum bonus countries. Anyone thinking that a small, unknown eBelgium MU will get precedence over important top-MU's from all over the world, is both naive and stupid. Once this exodus has started it could take months before we're allowed in a top-country again, costing our army millions of damage and productivity. How will be be able to impress our new CoT allies like that?

No worries, since this is already known for week, you'd think that our President Nohjis the Great has already acted a long time ago... right? Allas, our NOT-SO-GREAT President Nohjis seemingly doesn't regard our defence as a priority. Despite weeks of warnings, our SO's are all still in eUSA with eUSA citizenship. In a few days eUSA will become impossible for our SO's to continue operating in and we will be forced to either close supplies or get our soldiers to eBelgium where they will suffer a loss from a 100% country to a 20% country, suffering a 40% loss of guns.

With us joining a new alliance and making enemies around us, who will be thinking of the children????

Nohjis does not care for the children because he's lazy as f*ck

in the mean time, this lazyness will cost us a lot of damage where it matters: the field of battle.

Bear note that the in the comment box bellow the biggest critics will be government members, because apparently it's not allowed to criticize the government doing shit wrong.

Until next time

just another government critic who hates a lazy president.