Division Herp Derp

Day 2,281, 05:21 Published in USA USA by 2503830

Latest "improvement" ( and i use the term loosely ) separates players based on their LEVEL:

Division 1: Levels 1 - 34
Division 2: Levels 35 - 49
Division 3: Levels 50 - 69
Division 4: Levels 70+

So, while this does solve the HORRENDOUS imbalance in earlier version it is NOWHERE NEAR the REAL balancing that should be done by - drumroll - HITTING POWER or STRENGTH.
All in all this will have one effect - people NOT fighting to keep their level low and their strength high / division ( just like before lol ).
Nothing will change, same old same old...

This is supposedly the super awesome update.
And it took them YEARS to do this. I seen some BAD developers but this jsut takes the cake.

Stop dancing around with idiotic 'solutions" and separate people by STRENGTH or HITTING POWER.