Dear eUK, here are our demands

Day 1,778, 07:40 Published in Belgium Belgium by shadowukcs

The public demands a NE. Our CP is too lazy to give one, so we at the SSE and the LCC took matters into our own hands and obeyed the wishes of the public

Dear eUK

We are NE'ing you. Our demands for not completely wiping you are very simple:

-give us Iain Keers so we can prosecute him for blasphemy and crimes against Dioism
-Make Woldy your president and send him to eBE so we can all rub his sexy moustache in awe.
-Kravenn must be send to the salt mines. indefinitely. period
-Alice must be dealth with as well for destroying BBH and crimes against Bobloism
-furthermore we want 1000 G from your treasury donated to the "shadow for Q7"-charity organisation
-And we want you to adres us as "Belgian overlords"

That is all

Don't forget my eBelgian friends. Change the world, join the SSE

Dear congressmen,

Don't be sheep, vote yes and bring some fun into this game for a change.

loyal to the fist