Da li Bugarima prijeti PTO? / Is there possibility for PTO in eBulgaria?

Day 736, 03:15 Published in Bulgaria Serbia by Zvekan

Danas se na chatu pojavio bugarski igrac koji je trazio pomoc da uklone Bugarsku komunisticku partiju sa top 5 (link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/bulgarian-communist-party-142/1). Pogledavsi ovlas, primjetio sam igrace koji su originalno Svedjani i Hrvati, vjerovatno ih ima jos. Trenutno ta stranka ima 39 clanova, dok bugarska najbrojnija stranka ima 77 clanova. Ukoliko, a skoro sigurno je da ce, dobiju nekoliko kongresmenskih mjesta, postoji izvjesna mogucnost da ce njihovi kongresmeni odobriti drzavljlanstva svojim saradnicima u ovoj prici i PTO (political take over) je izvjestan. Trebamo se prisjetiti koliko su nam Bugari pomogli u proslosti, pratiti situaciju kod njih i pomoci ako im zatreba, tj. trebamo biti spremni da ce nasim dokazanim prijateljima trebati pomoc, da ce doci dan da im vratimo uslugu.

English version:
Today one eBulgarian player came to our chat asking for help to remove Bulgarian Communist Party from top 5 parties in eBulgaria (link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/bulgarian-communist-party-142/1). You can notice that this party has 39 members, mostly players from eSweden and eCroatia, and their biggest party has only 77 members. If some of them get elected, and that's almost sure, there is a huge possibility that those congressmen will approve citizenship to their "friends" and PTO will become something very possible. We should never forget how much eBulgarians helped us in the past and we should be prepared that they will need our help in the near future. Maybe the time will come for us to return the favor and we should be ready.
