Congressional WTF Proposals

Day 1,691, 16:35 Published in USA USA by RebelBlood
For my inaugural article I figured I might as well start off with a BANG and call out some not so productive members of our congress.

Candidate numero uno in the short list of sad sack congressional leaders not taking their position seriously and wasting proposals would be:

This genius proposed a law that would issue 69 USD for 0.345 GOLD. Sad part is 11 congressman/women voted yes .......

.......but wait he's not done yet, oh no ladies and gents, our brainiac used his superior intellect to offer up this peach

Here is someone looking out for the little ones of our nation by proposing a minimum wage of .1USD instead of 1USD and wouldn't you know it 8 of his like minded power thinkers agreed with him.

Morale of this story? If you voted SafosEasyJet into congress shame on you! It's time to make an example of these people so come next election I say "Keep SafosEasyJet outta Congress"[/b]

I raise my whiskey glass to the outstanding congressional leaders who voted against these worthless proposals!

Rebel Whiskey Talkin Publications
- bottoms up llc -