Congressional Election Stats & Figures

Day 1,833, 20:00 Published in USA USA by highflyer35

Lately there have been a lot of articles about “ATO”, “PTO”, who is american, who is unamerican, who wants what's best for the county and who does not. Frankly it's getting old. I am writing this article to provided an unbiased presentation of the results from the past few months of congressional elections and some analysis of the numbers. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions and you are free to discuss those in the comments. But please try to use some of the facts I have presented you to back your arguments, it would make you sound alot more reliable.

To avoid prejudices that are often expressed in articles calling the AFA PTOers and the rest of the Parties ATOers, I will be refering to the efforts of the AFA as the progressives and the other main parties as the coalition. Both of which I believe have a positive connotation.

AFA Votes has had a pretty constant voter turnout over the past few months with a slight increase of 1%. Coalition votes on the other hand, have dropped over 25%. Many people would attribute this due to loss of bonuses however that is very difficult to prove. The numbers of votes also brings up an interesting statistic. What percentage of a parties members vote? Some parties had over 100% participation because of players who belong to parties not represented on the congressional ballot.
AMP- 108.1%
AFA- 111.5%
FEDs- 90.2%
USWP- 94.5%
WTP- 91.2%
It seems logical that the AFA and AMP being the largest parties would attract the majority of 6th party voters. However the FEDs, the 3rd largest party by numbers of members, have a lower percentage of voter turnout than both the USWP and WTP.

The AMP’s percentage of congressional votes has undergone the most drastic drop, falling around 6% in the past three months. With the WTP dropping 2%. The USWP following right behind with 1%. The FEDs are the only coalition party that has gained influence in congress with an increase of 2% in the past 3 months. The AFA has responded brilliantly to the decline in power from the coalition increasing their own influence by 7%.

Now that I have presented you with the facts, please vote, shout, subscribe,and feel free to argue as much as you want. But before that, here is something, most of us can agree on, Brooklyn Decker looks amazing in a swimsuit.

Thanks for reading,