Congrats and Culture

Day 256, 08:17 Published in USA USA by Royamen

Congratulations to Archibald and TMG for their Presidential victory. May you know, oh adoring public that I am already working with them to bring you more contests like the one I'm running now and hopefully some other cultural improvements to this great land.

Please show them your interest by going to the article for voting for the writing contest and vote by leaving a comment. We only have 6 votes so far. 120 people viewed the writing contest when it began, so much more people should be able to vote. Tell all your friends, anyone who reads this. It doesn't take long to read the 4 writings and vote.

I will determine my favorite once I think the vote is high enough, so that I can announce both winners at the same time. As previously mentioned, each winner will receive 125USD, unless its the same person then they will receive 250USD.

An offer to you all, if you are a writer and would like to be involved with my attempts at expanding and improving the cultural life of this land of liberty and libertarians, please send me a personal message. The more quality writers we have involved the better, even if you already run another newspaper. Let's work together to lift our people out of intellectual boredom and dross.

Until Next Time, Royamen