Change is good!

Day 2,065, 16:34 Published in USA Poland by George Walker III

This article will be short, I fear my words go unheard anyway so for today I will allow the elite to think they have won. I check in to see who has been Country President, and Congressman or PP of my Party, AMP. It seems like the same group cycle through as CP, and Secretary of different departments. I see a handful of names in the higher positions most of the time. Where is the freshness, democracy demands new ideas and faces, we do still live in a democratic eUS right? Those in power do not fear the unrest, they fear the loss of power. The current administration as well as the previous have yet to free us from the bonds of occupation. How long must we wait, how many times do you have to change the person we fight so we have to move? I feel as if the leadership or those close to them are really usurpers, and hope to drain what income and weapons we have, fighting battles that aren't of the highest importance. How about keeping the battle against the same enemy so we can stay in one place and fight until that region needs to be taken. Conserve what we have, you won't have to vote on creating all types of budgets if we strategically use what we have wisely. It is time for you all to realize, we have the voice!