Cease Fire failed, negotations continue? War rages on.

Day 480, 21:12 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

The cease fire mentioned in our last paper
- http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-arizona-republic-183247/1

apparently was not signed by either Mexico or Portugal and was only a draft version of a proposed cease fire.

Eugene Harlot : GlaDOS tells me that the cease-fire proposal was his idea and that he did not consult with Mexico, Portugal or PEACE before presenting it to Uncle Sam. He tells me that it was presented as a draft for discussion and not as a final proposal. (This is GlaDOS's version so take it as you see fit) Sam then posted it in the contracts without any further discussions with PEACE negotiators. I am told that Portugal and Mexico are considering this proposal but they were not in fact parties to the negotiations.

2 hours after this comment Portugal attacked the central highlands.

According to sources, There were two pastebin's sent between GladDOS/PEACE reps, that were not discussed at all between parties, and Sam chose to post the ceasefire before even discussing it with any of the actual country representatives.

Another source points out that Uncle Sam is unwilling to negotiate to equal terms, favoring a US dominant position where the US still holds at least 1 Mexican territory for future war games with Mexico, while the other side is demanding that the US return all Mexican land (which is reasonable) but is demanding huge amounts of repairations such as rebuilding Mexico City's Hospital to Q5 status. And repaying the gold lost from the Polish takeover which started this whole mess.

So to be honest, we are quite unsure where we are at right now.
There is complete anarchy in the US government regarding our peace negotiations. conflicting information and reports.

So as of right now, the Arizona Republic is calling on President Uncle Sam to get his act together and get the presidents of Mexico and Portugal together and negotiate a settlement, and report the results to the public. Americans are heavily uninformed right now and morale is dropping threwout this mighty nation.

Before we begin our "State Quick Facts Edition" we need to address a problem which has been plaguing the Arizona Republic.... Quick Facts is suppose to be a satire lulz edition from Encyclopedia Dramatica. Nothing stated should be taken to heart. We have had a few users bawwwwwwww about our content, and to be honest its getting old.

No one is forcing you to read our paper. If you don't like it, don't read it.
If you don't understand it, give up and become an hero.

And now for something completely different....


Quick facts about Mississippi

Medium Grain Resources
Medium Wood Resources
58 Citizens (as of March 14th, 21:05, Day 480)
Q1 Hospital and Q1 Defenses
Senator: Bill Brasky of the American Advancement Party

Mississippi is a state in which the only numbers lower than the average IQ of the people are their average number of teeth and average number of days of the year spent sober. This is proven by the fact that there is only one major airport in the state, and that it only has departure gates. Mississippi is also known for secession, getting Pwned by hurricanes, and racism. Also notable as the only state where more than 85% of its residents cannot spell their state's name.

The roads in Mississippi are probably the worst in the nation. The average car has its shocks replaced once a year due to the shittiness of the roads. The problem is due to the fact that the governor pays some nigras and rednecks minimum wage to stand around and avoid each other and avoid doing any work at all. He then pockets the rest of the tax money. This means that Mississippi is definitely a fly-over state.

Other Useless Info
Mississippi's chief exports are Pulitzer Prize winners and low-birth weight babies.

Mississippi is full of old white guys who are still fighting the civil war. Once a year they all go to a confederate graveyard to shout about the south rising again and to piss on a picture of Lincoln.

Every year. Mississippians order hurricane delivery and give the shop New Orleans' address. This is the state joke.

MSU and Ole Miss have a long-standing rivalry that nobody outside of the state gives two shits about. This rivalry is continually fueled by the fact that MSU only accepts beer chugging rednecks, while Ole' Miss only accepts pretentious faggots. (can i say that?)