Cease Fire declared in Mexico

Day 480, 00:31 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

This is the proposal for a cease fire, drafted by Galddos

I Terms and Conditions
1. An immediate ceasefire will be made between The United States, Portugal, and Mexico
2. The battles currently existing in the regions of Oxaca and Baja will be effectively finished within their time frame with Mexico and Portugal as conquering sides.
3. The ceasefire will continue for a period of five days, or until 17.00h on the 484 day of The New World, during which Mexico, the United States, and Portugal cannot declare attacks.
4. A peace treaty between the countries will be discussed during the time of the ceasefire.
5. If a peace treaty shall not be signed during the period of ceasefire, each side has the right to continue with the war and open battles.
4. In order for this contract to take effect, the presidents of Portugal, Mexico and the United States must sign by posting the phrase: "I agree with the Contract terms" and the full text of the Contract.
II Consequences:
1. If the contract is broken by Mexico or Portugal, the countries have to pay 350 gold each to USA.
2. If the contract is broken by USA, USA will have to pay 350 gold each to Mexico and Portugal.
3. If the contract is broken by any of the parties, and the breaking party does not pay the fine, Admin have the authority to transfer the amount gold due.
4.If one of the parties involved modifies parts of the Contract or a signature by modifying the comments in the Contract topic admins should transfer 100Gold from offending party and restore the original contract.
5. In case one of the parties involved receives a permanent ban, dies or parts or all the properties of that entity is impounded by Admin this contract still remains valid as the involved parties are countries not individual citizens.

What this means is, what Mexico and Portugal hold now is recognized to be their sovereign territory. What we hold in Mexico currently is still up for debate, which will be determined in the next 5 days.

Most likely scenario is that we give over the conquered regions to Mexico, We keep the regions we have but pay a heavy fine to Mexico for repairations, or if our president chooses to surrender - we give the regions back and pay repairations on top of it.

Regardless of what this outcome may be we highly suggest you take this opportunity to buy your guns and prepare for the war if it continues.


And now for something completely different....


Quick facts about Nevada

Medium Iron Resources
88 Citizens (as of March 14th, 0😇0, Day 479)
Q0 Hospital and Q0 Defenses
Senator: fourgot10 of America's Advancement Party

Las Vegas is where American culture goes to die. Vegas was founded Last Thursday by gentle, polygamist Mormans who were running west from the government, to save themselves from certain death. This is seemingly irrelevant: nobody actually cares about the history of the town, least of all the people who have to live there, as they are too busy scampering for shelter from the 10,000 degree heat. It is common knowledge that nobody has ever been born in Las Vegas (save the children of exceptionally stupid hookers), and nobody ever leaves. They mean to, but never get around to it. Las Vegans don't do well outside of the city, as they are dependent on the expectation that every grocery store, Elvis-head whiskey decanter outlet, shabby cathouse and crystal meth outlet will be open 24/7. A closed sign infuriates them. Even the shameful fact that everybody from Japan has been to Las Vegas at least once - making the place even more unlivable - is not enough motivation for Vegas residents to pull up stakes and relocate to a more hospitable clime.

Las Vegas is also home to one of the West Coast's largest populations of methamphetamine users, as well as the notorious Black Cloud, both of whom are always a source of lolz. Due to its high concentration of porn, all you can eat buffets (leading to fatties) and 24/7 lifestyle, Las Vegas is a frequent source of IRL drama, and Las Vegans themselves live for it. It doesn't help that Vegas is so hot that residents are unable to sit in front of the computer all summer. This is because they are secretly reptilian, basking in the light of the sun to warm their cold blood and stay alive.

The few natives of Vegas absolutely hate Californians and Mormons for moving into their city and raising mortgage fees. If they had greater numbers they would wage war with California and Utah. Fortunately, the risk of this is absolutely nil, as anyone dumb enough to be born in Las Vegas and actually LIVE there has received a true double-whammy of bad genes and bad upbringing. These unfortunate souls would have trouble locating California on a map. They also hate their neighbors who have had Oregon plates on their car since 2005 and secretly masturbate to the fantasy of calling the DMV on them as revenge for their bitching to the HOA about their trash cans and brown grass. Again, the chance of this actually happening is nil divided by zero, as all Californians are by nature far too afraid of confrontation to mount even the most passive-aggressive of revenges.

This is what Las Vegas is famous for

* Legal prostitution
* No open container laws
* Hot chicks everywhere
* Free Alcohol

Things That Never Happen in Las Vegas or are Lies

* Legal prostitution
* No open container laws
* Hot chicks everywhere
* Free Alcohol