Calling all CvP!

Day 767, 19:18 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

CvP members,

In the tradition of the past, I am hereby convening a Party Convention! On Monday, December 28th, we'll be gathering in our IRC channel ( Rizon channel #cvp3). The convention will start at 9 PM EST (6 PM eRep time).

I encourage all members of the party to try and attend at least for a little bit. There are some important discussions to be had, and the Council and myself will be announcing some big changes to the party. I hope that all of you will attend.

See you there, CvP!

Additionally, it's time to gear up for CP elections on the 5th of January, so anyone considering running for that office should contact me so I can prepare the Primary as soon as possible.

To the future!

Conservative Party President

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"