Bringing back the legend

Day 2,485, 07:20 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Well as I sit here contemplating what to write about and how to formulate words to describe what I want to do. All I remember is what my thinking was when I first decided to do this. eSA was in a very different situation to what it is in at the moment. It was when I formed the political party UP, with my friend Wilpanzer. We were in a stage where 3 political parties controlled pretty much all of eSA. Cabinet, congress and general way of life. So me a new player then decided to create a party that was fresh and exciting and focus on giving the people of eSA a base to build their political careers.

UP was formed out of a time of general peace but of stifled activity. We were a breathe of fresh air, breathing life and giving us a reason to play.

Currently I am looking for a reason to play this game again, and I believe many are also looking for a reason again. With this in mind I am running for PP of the no name party with the idea of rebuilding the Union of Patriots. So I have put it to myself what can we now stand for and what can we place as our core values.

Naturally nuturing of the young players has always been of high priority to myself and UP, so this will remain. But I believe one of the main things of UP will be to form a close brotherhood within eSA, giving us as a community identity within this bland setting we find ourselves. I will strive to give the members of UP a voice and actively become involved within the environment we find ourselves.

Being part of the current situation in eSA, with regards to the Lazokrasi. While eSA has suffered numerous loses and have been damaged by what the Lazokrasi have done. There are a few things that have taken place since the Lazokrasi that have been positive (Dont throw stones at me yet).

Once UP is formed and we establish a core again we will plot forward more of the parties viewpoints. But we will again be the party on everyones lips whether it is good or bad, it will happen again.

So I ask you to UP standards and join UP

The Man with Naartjies.