Bob Boblo for President: My Cabinet

Day 1,505, 08:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

A great leader is naught without a capable team to do his work for him and make him coffee, so I have accepted nothing but the best of the best for my prospective cabinet.

Vice President and Vice Vice President: One of the cornerstones of my visions for a successful government is to have capable people do all my work for me while I take the credit. So who else for these important roles than Dishmcds and Iain Keers.

Minister of Finance: In these difficult and perilous times it is even more important that our Chancellor is not just competent, but extremely trustworthy. Any bank of england steals in the current climate would cripple us. That is why my Chancellor would be the experienced former president Jamesw

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Aswell as being a skilled diplomat, one important skill for this role that is often overlooked is cultural sensitivity. So who better to represent us in the international arena than the refined, respectful Nick Griffin

Minister of Defence: All good cabinets have a shocking left-field pick that turns out to be genius. So, naturally, I'm going to take an all mighty gamble on our future and make Painkiller our new MoD

Minister of Home Affairs: The MoHa needs to be a friendly, popular figure, and in particular, one who is nice to new players. Clearly there is only one man for the job and that is Tomaz

Minister of Legislative Affairs: This isn't an important position and its good to have some tits in the cabinet so this goes to Angela Williams

Thank you for reading,
Former and future president Bob Boblo