axllyne for the President

Day 725, 04:56 Published in Serbia Serbia by LukaVkalu

Dragi citaoci danasni clanak posveticu nasoj prijateljici koja je uvek bila uz eSrbiju axllyne

I noticed that our friend axllyne has all the medals except the presidential, so why then she becomes president?
Country in which she is president shall have the right privilege to have such a President !


Name: axllyne

Day of birth: 12.07.2008 - Day 235 of the New World

Skills :
Manufacturing : 11.11(she knoes with real metal 😃 )
Lan😛 4.18 (as a small girl she worked in mines and farms 😛)
Strength : 19.48 (she is a strong women ! 😛 )

Achievements :
5 Hard Worker Medals (wow she likes to work 😛)
2 Congress Member Medals (understand the policies and laws)
Future Country President
1 Media Mogul (Ax Post HERE)
28 Battle Hero Medals (O.O she likes to fight ! )
1 Resistance Hero Medal
3 Super Soldier (SUPER soldier ??? PERFECT soldier thats better 😃 )
1 Society Builder (everyone likes her )

Level : 23 ; Xp points : 7145

Military career : Field Marshal with 2828 fights and 606014 damage

Each state would like this president, strong, reliable, known, experienced, and perfect in every sense...

axllyne President

VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT , sub if you want too 😛

Thank you 😉