Day 797, 21:24 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Mahmoud Ibn Abdullah

If you came to fight the EDEN take-over, I implore that you keep your Belgian citizenship, as it will be next to impossible to get it back after elections. As it stands, it appears that the Polish and Yankee parties will be capturing at least 9 out of 20 seats, with the native Belgians only capturing 10 seats. In addition, it appears there is one Croat in Congress who's ultimate loyalties are unknown. His party claims to be in support of a neutral Belgium; lets all hope that this its true.

In any case, even if EDEN only manages to capture 50% of Congress, the Romanian president left over from the previous takeover will provide the tie-breaking vote and give the TO forces free reign over Belgium. Therefore, it is imperative that all supporters of a free an independent Belgium keep their citizenship at least until the next presidential elections on February 5th. I myself will be doing so, and I encourage you all to do the same.

In the miraculous event that the Belgians somehow manage to capture control of their own congress (11 seats or more), I'd encourage you to move to Brussels to build up the wall there, as an EDEN invasion will be almost certainly eminent.

Keep the faith guys, and remember: BELGIUM FOR THE BELGIANS!