Atracurium For June's CP

Day 1,292, 06:26 Published in China China by Atracurium

Catering for our non-Chinese citizens in eChina.
Special Thanks To Shawncn, Aliao,, Thedark, Bogdan and Rudsaint.


Hi, I am Atracurium.

I hereby announce I will be participating in eChina’s June presidential election. Hoping to be of service to eChina, I have been a Country president before so surely I am not out for the medal. My time spent on erepublik is guaranteed (at least 7+ hours) as most may have seen. I am available on IRC, Skype and QQ daily.

1.1 I have decided to participate in the coming eChina CP June’s election. I admit this is rather a last minute decision and I thank my party for the support they give.

1.2 There are always differences in views and the materials which I am going to present might not be to your likening. You might have some great ideas down there which my team and I had missed out. We could always have healthy discussion pertaining to the areas which you would like to be involved with… we are all for the best interest of eChina. Let’s make it work.

1.3 Whoever wins, be it other candidates or me… I wish them all the best in this presidential campaign.


2.1 My team and I will be committed to ensure the growth potential of eChina (although admin can always spoil the market) in areas like economy, foreign affairs, military and internal affairs.

2.2 My team cabinet’s comprises the following:

Country President (Atracurium)
Minister of Central Banking (Found one)
Minister of Defense (Found one, the person had need 2 days to think)
Minister of Education (namiochen)
Minister of Foreign Affairs (KK Lau)
Minister of Welfare (a mysterious person)

Currently trying and had found helpers for to help in the respective ministries, they will be paid a token as a means of appreciation for their time.

2.3 Frequency of Meeting
Meetings will be held frequently with the various ministers to discuss about the countries and will try to promote a healthy cohesive working relationship.

3. Ministries
3.1 Ministry of Defense
The Ministry of Defense is responsible and entrusted with overseeing the national security of echina. Its mission is to (a) deter potential aggressors, and should deterrence fail, secure a swift and decisive victory for both our Homeland and our allies. (b) To develop our citizens into a well-trained, elite strike force capable of performing a spectrum of operations to protect our interests and those of our allies.

The military of eChina will be adopting a three-tier system, consisting of Recruits, vice MoD and the Minister of Defense. Soldiers are the basic building blocks of the military. They are to be, at all times and regardless of the circumstances, compliant with the battle orders given by the vice MoD or MoD; where possible, take part in every battle so as to increase both the military's and their own strength.

3.2 Central Banking
Reorganize of eChina Assets. By conducting organizations checks on eChina government current fixed assets and currencies to have a actual figure of the government financial health so as to budget our numbers accurately and transparently. Currencies with small amount will be converted to Gold as it’s a waste of resources to leave it idling around.

Basically, will be tasked to maintain the “books” or “accounts” of eChina and it involves collaboration between the various ministries. Central Banking is to prepares and monitor the weekly government revenue daily together with the budget figures.

The government will work closely with the congress this month to do a fully scoped review of the current taxes.

We will try our best to increase government earnings but no guarantee as we all know erep market is a little beyond repair with tons of fake currencies floating in the market. However we welcome citizens to make recommendations which they think could increase our earnings.

3.3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)
The MOFA of eChina is responsible for China’s diplomatic relations with other eCountries and international eOrganizations. Its mission is to advance eChina's strategic, political and economic interests through effective diplomacy. The directorates of MOFA are as follows: “Eden”, “Terra” and “One”.

For the month of June, MOFA aims to continue strengthen relations with Eden and our neighbors (eROC, eJapan, eIran and ePhilippines) and other key regional ecountries i.e. eUSA. On the multilateral front, we hope to continue to play an active role in shaping and strengthening Eden’s architecture and mechanisms.

MOFA will:

Proactively Participating In Eden
Contribute and continue to play an active role, and to participate in efforts to enhance our roles and influences in Eden. Will push for better integration and coordination within Eden’s political, economic and military blueprints. The government will not shut itself out of any alliance opportunities.

200,000 CNY (actual spending in May government) will be allocated to signing of MPPs in June, a listing of the MPPs we signed in May is located here. For a more transparent government, started from May, MoFA had made a consolidated listing (and updated concurrently) of the MPPs we have signed in the congress forum and the listing will be moved to the public forum for citizens viewing once the government ends.

In addition, MOFA will be adopting a risk based approach and build on the “eChina Blacklisted List”. The list will be used by congressmen in determining the approval of citizenship.

NE Bonus
One NE last for 7-8 days。 In a month we will have to face this problem for 4 times. If we look at our surrounding regions it seems our choices are rather restricted. For NE bonus, I already held some talks with the potential countries that we could have an NE with and treat the NE as a training war. Hopefully with the change in new government, we could finalize some deals on the NE training war. That will be the first priority that the government will be working on. Primary work groups: MoFA and MoD.

10 Resources
Our deal with Japan pertaining to the rental of fruit region is coming to an end (we rented for 3 months) perhaps it will be a problem faced by the July CP. Based on reliable sources, it seems Japan is not interested for a re-rental and wishes to take back the region and have conveyed the message to Terra pertaining to this. There are some alternatives we could explore: 1. Have talks with Japan for a re-rental (low chances) or 2. Take 小巴fruits. That will be the second priority that the government will be working on. Primary work groups: MoFA and MoD.

3.4 Ministry of Welfare and Education
The Ministry of Education and Welfare will continue to do its good job in their area of expertise.

eRepublik can be a bit of a challenge when a new person joins the game. Which is why it is important for eChina to set up a robust infrastructure to cater and help new players to know their way round and to help them understand the basis mechanics of the game? The new citizen message will be reviewed for any possible changes and removal of obsolete details. It should be comprehensive but at the same time it also needs to be short and clear! Guides have been written by some of our outstanding players a while ago.

Monitoring of new citizens will executed both by the Ministry of Education and Welfare. It is a cohesive effort, the government will be roping in with party presidents and company owners into this... it is after all... government benefit.. so does the companies. And if possible we will be also going to beef up echina’s wiki page.

I also have a wish to set up a lottery system 😶.

A certain percentage of government expenditure will be allocated to the:
a. Ministry of Welfare for the supply of food new citizens with low wellness. However, this shall not be treated as a long term solution and citizens should not be dependent on it and mismanaged their wellness. To prevent the system being abused, criteria for free food and wellness will be set (and anyone whom does not meet the requirement, food application will be determined on a case by case basis).

b. Ministry of Education to hold competitions of education write ups and to increase the overall activity in eChina.

I will be putting up conservative figures for the national goals in eRepublik. The “Monuments” are CUTE. The targeted national goals which I want and hope to achieve is presented below:

Proposed 1% Conservative figure.
Targeted 1 - 2 Well, lost for words actually as we all know the market had been played very badly in admin’s hand. We will be targeting a 2% GDP increase (I hope). And how we are going to achieve that? Woo hoo, I dunno. The government is willing and appreciative to speak to players with excellent economic sense to

Society (Population)
Goals 3% Pop. Conservative figure.
Targeted 3 In light of the amount of citizenships which our prestigious congressmen could grant an the number of 小号, the targeted 3% might seem to be a little too low. However, we do also need to consider the amount of citizens which is going to “die”. We will continue to improve on the immigration process (with due diligence checks) and hopefully we will be welcoming more people with our open arms.

Keep Current regions. I doubt I have any intentions of going into a war. I am a very peaceful person. Believe me.

And now, what was had discussed up there…its idealistic and theoretical. It takes a cohesive team and congressmen and help of the citizens to accomplish all that excluding war factors.

Generally government spending if its:
Peaceful (50% Savings, 20% Military, 10% Foreign Affairs, 5% Education and 15% Welfare).
Wartime (20% Savings, 45% Military, 12% Foreign Affairs, 5% Education and 18% Welfare).

Oh yes, forgive me for lapses here and there… written in last minute.


Pentru cetăţenii noştri români aflaţi în eChina

1.1 Am decis să particip la alegerile prezidenţiale ce vor avea loc în eChina în luna Iunie. Recunosc că este o decizie de ultim moment şi ţin să mulţumesc partidului meu pentru susţinere.

1.2 Totdeauna vor exista diferenţe de viziune şi este posibil ca cele ce vă voi prezenta să nu fie pe placul dumneavoastră. Se poate să aveţi idei grozave pe care echipa mea să le fi omis. Putem avea oricând discuţii benefice în privinţa ariilor în care aţi dori să vă implicaţi. Dorinţa noastră este strict în interesul eChinei. Haideţi la treabă!

1.3 Oricine va câştiga, fie că voi fi eu sau alţi candidaţi, le doresc mult succes în această campanie prezidenţială.

În plus, pentru românii staţionaţi în eChina, ordinele militare zilnice pot fi găsite aici:


untuk semua warga indonesia yang ada di china

1.1 saya telah memutuskan untuk ikut dalam pemilihan presiden di china untuk bulan juni. Saya mengakui keputusan ini terlalu tiba2, dan saya berterimakasih kepada partai yang mendukung saya.

1.2. Pasti ada perbedaan pandangan dan pendapat tentang apa yg akan saya sampaikan..kalian semua mungkin mempunyai ide2 bagus yg terlupakan oleh saya dan tim. saya mengharapkan diskusi ttg apapun yang kalian ingin minati, kita disini semua utk kepentingan eChina...mari kita lakukan bersama2.

1.3 siapapun yang akan menang dalam pemilihan ini , baik saya maupun calon lainnya, saya berharap yang terbaik untuk kita semua dalam kampanye presiden kali ini

1.4 dan.....ngomong2......IDS for the winner 🙂

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