Armas por Portugal ( Guns For Portugal)

Day 1,641, 15:11 Published in Norway Norway by Gameiro101

Hello my friends,

Has you know Portugal was wiped by Spain, but with the warrior spirit of the Portuguese and the help of our allies we are regaining our country back.

In the bad times that good ideas show up and the true patriotic shows what they are capable of.

Alvaro Cunhal started a project a couple of weeks ago to help all the Portuguese players, with strength between 500 to 3000.

For this project he started asking donations for the stronger players and from his personal acount, but that isn't enough to continue with the project for the long term.

So he changed the project and ask the players after they reach the limit to repay on the long run all the resources they received, at lower prices than the ones from the market, except the donations we received, that way the project can help more people on the long term and help the build a stronger country.

I wanted to ask the help of the kind Norwegian people to allow this project in this early beginning, so we can help as much players has possible.

If you want to help you can do it here.

Thank you