Aprecieri militare

Day 417, 07:07 Published in Romania USA by Shadow Figure

English Version Folows

Recent am purtat o discutie cu un ofiter Britanic - Will Salmon - despre organizarea militara. Partea interesanta:

“How are things going in UK's army? I haven't been in touch with it since Widdows9000 was MoD, and I know a lot of things happened lately.”

“Atm the moment Ip Lockard is our MoD, we have several bits to our army; we have a paratrooper unit for tanks who are in a SAS, we have a Reserves (or Territorial Army) made up of the mobile Royal Navy and stationary Royal Guards. Within the Royal Navy is an elite SBS unit made of different members of different squads, and that's why we're here. I command three squads in the Royal Navy as well as this SBS section, the SBS Sergeant happens to also be one of my Sergeants in the normal Navy

And I guess the Romanian Army has to be half-decent taking over Russia and all! Is your army as divided up as ours?”

“One of the best things about Romania's army is that it was built during wars. It started with an elite unit (FAR - Romanian Paratroopers). FAR was a big success and later 4 other units were built. Thanks to our former MoD (Han Solo) our army is thought different than any other army in the world (as far as I know). There aren't any elite units to gather all active people and regular units to hold the semi-actives. Active people are scattered in all 5 units, so they pull up the whole unit. Every units has free hand to develop it's own internal organization, it's own internal communications channels, it's own personality and most important to be a team.”

Aici ofiterul britanic a facut o observatie buna:

“That's a very modern approach, and I presume it must work very well! But surely, as much as scattered active people pull a unit up, so do semi-actives pull the team down?”

Acesta este un dezavantaj al organizarii, dar prezinta un avantaj cel putin la fel de mare. Putem evita astfel de situatii aparute in armata UK (situatii prin care am trecut si noi cu vechea Garda Nationala):

“Also, one of the worst things about the Reserves part of our military was that it was built during wars - and while we had a massive and unusual influx of new members. That meant we had loads of people, an untested communication network, a war to fight and 2-clickers who just disappear ”

Cineva ar putea argumenta ca unitatile de rezerve pot fi organizate pe timp de pace. Luand in considerare acest acest lucru am ajuns la aceasta concluzie (pe care mi-a expus-o dealtfel si Han Solo):

„Both methods can work well and both methods need a huge amount of work from commanders and the few other guys in charge.

Approach 1: Elite Units + Reserves Units

Elite units - active, experienced people means the commanders has less things to do, and also is a pleasure to work with elite members.
Reserves units - well, this units are just a huge pain in the ass for the commander, there is a lot of work to do and no fun.

Approach 2:

Elite members + 2-clickers in the same unit - here the commander have a huge work to do, but it's also rewarding and fun

Since erepublik is a game and everyone wants to have fun and pleasure playing the 2nd approach works very well 🙂

In ultima vreme am intrat in contact si cu armata statelor unite. Acest lucru doar mi-a confirmat convingerea ca unitatile cu 30-50 de membrii ca ale Romaniei functioneaza mai bine decat plutoanele de 10-15 oameni.

Despre arme, citind acest articol cred ca acum este un moment bun pentru organizatiile militare sa semneze contracte cu firme - care sa inceapa sa produca stocuri pentru armata. Ministerul Apararii a facut luna trecuta o licitatie fara rezultate extraordinare. Daca Guvernul ii sfatuieste pe cetateni sa cumpere arme pe timp de pace, atunci si Guvernul trebuie sa cumpere stocuri inainte de a lansa informatii despre un viitor razboi.

In orice caz guvernul nu va putea sustine niciodata integral o armata de mari dimensiuni, de aceea infiintarea companiilor detinute de armata (si renuntatea la statul cu „mana intinsa”) este un mare pas inainte.

Nimic spectaculos pentru concluzie. Armata sta foarte bine in acest moment, dar are nevoie de foarte multa munca pentru a fi tinunta in forma. (Btw, Fortele Navale isi cauta un nou comandant.)

Succesele ei insa ne-au provcat probleme. Probabil ati citit articolele lui MoonlightShadow despre opinia internationala. Sunt deacord cu ce spune el. Si nu spun ca are dreptate in mare parte, ci sunt complet deacord. Dar este o parte a problemei pe care nu o abordeaza. Sper sa pot scrie zilele urmatoare cateva cuvinte pentru o mai buna conturare a imaginii de ansamblu din comunitatea internationala. Pana atunci Vote and Subscribe.

Shadow Figure

PS1. Asa cum felix-focus isi scotea palaria in fata lui Alex Craciun, doresc prin acest articol sa fac acelasi lucru in fata lui Han Solo.

PS2. Consider ca problema opiniei internationale despre Roamania este prea grava ca sa poate fi rezolvata prin cuvinte si propaganda. Sunt insa 2 lucruri pe care le putem face chiar acum: sa aparam Suedia si sa ajutam la eliberarea Israelului. Vedeti RW’urile deschise in acest moment.

PS3. In caz ca va intrebati, cu toate ca nu mai „apar activ” in presa locala si nu ma mai implic asa cum faceam cand eram comandant FAR sau presedinte RU, o duc inca destul de bine.

PS4. Poate credeti ca nu trebuia sa fac publice date despre organizarea armatei Romane. E adevarat, dar m-as mira si bucura in acelasi timp daca alta tara ar incepe sa isi organizeze armata in loc sa tipe impotriva Romaniei. Odata cu o armata capabila poate prind si ei gustul razboiului.

PS5. Discutia de mai sus (si multe altele) o puteti gasi pe forumul oficial al Romaniei: ecetateni.com Intrati pe forum!

English Brief Version

This article debates some ideas about military organization. I belive Han Solo's work as MoD was excellent.

Also I promise to write an article on the current international opinion about war, so Romanian citizens will have a complete understanding of the big picture and what's going on.

Speaking of war, I advise Atlantis soldiers to defend Sweden in the RW opened today.