And Team work for the hand off NFLB!

Day 3,302, 12:11 Published in USA USA by Gabrielz_Horn

Its been a long and wonderful journey serving the feds with NFLB. Over the 6 months or so i ran it i meet some wonderful players. Handed out alot of supplys and it was very costly NFLB rivals government programs. And to top that off with an even better kicker THEY ADDED TO IT! The old form is no longer valid no more signups will be taken.

Old obsolete form No longer valid stop filling this out
Me and Shuji Ariwa working together to perfect NFLB complex but beutiful!

And now without further adieu Presenting the new form for NFLB, AIM, and FHA all in one Form. BOOM!

Now you all be as good to Shuji Ariwa as you were to me. He is running NFLB now he was discouraged that it would not work but i have confidence when someone else comes up with a better idea i recognize it and turn it over i know it is in good hand congrats to SA for all his effort in seeing this through he is doing awesome work with it.