An Official Candidate?

Day 925, 14:01 Published in India United Kingdom by Devoid

Hi, India. As you know, I'm running for president. Up until recently, it looked like we were going to have a free and fair election, which due to PTO threats we have not had in quite some time. I was looking forward to it. And then I got a PM requesting that I withdraw my candidacy and nominate hs1975 for president, as he was the official candidate declared by the president.

I was caught totally by surprise. First, since when does the president have the authority to declare an official candidate? Hint: He doesn't. In times of PTO threat, we have always held a forum poll to select the one official Indian candidate. None of this happened here. And it wasn't just president Abhi347 making this declaration, but a handful of old-school Indian government sorts, one of whose shout you'll see here: ALL PP Please select hs1975 as CP candidate of eINDIA, he is OFFICIAL CANDIDATE for CP. I think most Indians would agree with me when I say that the government has no authority to designate an "official" candidate without the input of the Indian people.

Another candidate, Pheenic, wrote a very good article on the subject here.

Indians, when you go out to vote on the 5th, please consider whether or not you want to support an "official" candidate put forth by a handful of government elites without the consent of the people. Please consider the precedent this would set if this was successful.

I'm an unofficial candidate, and I'd appreciate your vote.