Alphabethis for PM for Wales? Castles in Spain

Day 1,738, 07:11 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

One of the most definitory lessons in life is that "you won't be like
by all people, no matter you do, and that's a pretty good thing to
happen". We all are born to be loved and liked, but life is imperfect
and unfair both in its development and allocation of opportunities and

Unfortunately, like many things in life, you learn it when you aren't
in the urge to know, and most teenager endure several years trying to
be liked by friends, parents and, even, teachers.
All this boils down to the fact that I don't mind if some ( or many)
of you don't like me. It's a fact of life and I'm not a teenager, I'll
go thru this. So it's more than fine not to vote me.

Anyway, If you don't vote an ESO member, I'd like you to AWARD your
vote to one of those tiny, illusional, impractical and full of dreams
parties, like the commies, imperialists,... instead of one of those
massive and "solid" blocks, very interested in themselves and keeping
and enlarging "solidly" their power.

I admit ( and you shall probably concede) that Real Life (RL)
politics, and, perhaps, many ePoliticians, play this role of wolves in
a sheep skin, and that their strategy of good manners and selfish( or
dark) intentions WORKS. And it works because there's another general
law of life that I call the "law of the minimum" that states that "the
goodness of a relation between two human beings is measured by the
lowest and harshest moment between them". So RL and e- Politicians
try fervently to keep this minimum as high as possible with the public
opinion. Needless to say that whatever you say or whatever you do may
lower that mininum for some collectives of citizens, and thus,
politicians, in eRepublik too, say (and do) void things like:

- we are solid
- we are a family and we'll go tesco to have fun buying refreshments.
- we smile a lot and are cool
- we have experience and we are trustable

All that is VOID.

Candidate comes from Latin "Candidus, candida, candidum", meaning "colour white",
because roman Candidatus tinted their "clothes" ( togae) to look whiter
than the rest, purer than the rest. Well, in my case, you have in my
newspaper to disguise how pure or dirty I am.

To regard to citizenship request and alliance approval I'll stick to
Keers judgement and I take, as mine, Dr Hugh Jardon's words:
... add that i will not let you down, i will not make rogue
proposals or grant citizenship requests without speaking to Mr Keers
first. I will not put my own needs ahead of the eUK's and i will not
waste your faith in me... """

I'm very critic to Keers, firstly becasue he's an important person
here, so he bears the responsibility of many things and, secondly, he
seems to wear a black cloack engulfing his entire body, while sitting
in a lost kermit's refuge in some forgotten montains of an unknown
country of a distant galaxy and I'm running short in my description of
his darkness.

My view of politics and a bit of life is right the contrary approach:
simple, practical, moral and understanding (in both sides).

Take my position in "vote-selling", you have my simple, practical,
moral and understanding approach: "don't do it, it's bad (moral and
simple), never do, BUT if you are crazy to do it (UNDERSTANDING), sell
it for an EXPENSIVE price ( PRACTICAL)." I know many won't like the
last part, but as I said, life is unfair and imperfect. A blind moral
attitude won't hamper vote selling to be performed miserably at low

As part of this style of life and politics I must state that I am
Spanish at Real Life, and now that I think about it, I'm a quixotesc
type, fighting against keers-mills, errr, windmills, I mean. Always,
take this with a grain of salt, but seriously too.

People have requested some picture, so I have miserably pledged just
to have a word joke. So I have included some Castles in Spain ( like
the title), expressing that my candidature is an illusor y dream with
few but highly respectable support. Anyway, this article helps at
least to request your vote for Blue And Evil in the unlikely event you
weren't up to vote me. Blue and Evil deserves your vote much more than
me ( but check before voting if he's away AHEAD OF THE REST, so don't
spill all vote on him) ( moral+ practical + simple + understanding =

To put a long story short:

- I'm your Quixote in eUk, disciplined but crazy, dreamer but
practical, respectful but blunt, eBritish but Spanish, contradictory
but coherent, genius but fool, fool but genius, and finally "but"
but "but" . (hey you didn't expect that , do ya? )

Now some ESO words ( this is getting long, but remember, I'm a RL
Spanish, we talk a lot, and aloud) .

When I joined ESO I didn't expect much of it, well, it's a political
party after all, what can you ever expect of any politician ? And
their motto looked to me as empty as any other. Then I met Big Ant,
Elle Roslin and some true gentlemen ( Dr. Hugh, Sexagenarian ( hey
your name can't be abreviated to S3x!!!!). ESO is not a block, this is
not bulgarian-commmunist party with 100% voting agreements, TUP might
be thou, I suspect.

This has some advantages, in ESO you can feel the freedom ( it's not
so much fun as they say, although some people do their best, and
they're enthusiasting or simply charming (Roz)). On the other hand
it's not feudalistic organized. Blue and Evil would have made
parliament last time with a slight bit more of apparatus "a la TUP".
Even so, Roslin tried, but as I say, ESO is very loosely-coupled,
regarding its attribute: libertarian.

And about respecting the individual just look at me: they haven't
kicked me out... yet.

Thou I think there must be respect among parties, I don't like parties
to ally among themselves and sharing posts ( as BigAnt did, btw, I
have an "Open letter to BigAnt", get ready, mate). I think I should
look after a Godfather and stick to it, it's the usual stuff, trying
to get all the benefits, but I'm afraid that I'll criticize even
myself if it were necessary.

I'll try to give back part of the honour conceded to me when ESO
accepted me as a member, in the very same manner I proudly fight in
Royal Navy to return a little part of the honour granted to me.

Whatever the outcome of the election is, I am proud of the process and
of this manifesto. I quest for respectable and honouralbe means not
for results. But trust me, in the long term good means result in the
best results.

Now, the castles , true Spanish castles, none of them helped Moors to
avoid Cristians reconquering the land

Alcala de Guadaira (10km east of Seville, Spain):

Almodovar del Rio (8km west of Cordoba, Spain), where Pedro I el
Justiciero(el Cruel) (the Just ( the Cruel)) lived for a time and had the royal treasure, an anglophile, he was later killed by
French traitors to support his bastard brother, Enrique de Trastamara, (French supporting bastards? familiar?).
