A suggestion for Plato

Day 1,183, 14:10 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

My friends have you ever pondered how much party presidents in erepublik affect the game? Think about it for a minute. First off political parties themselves are probably one of if not the biggest recruiting tool in the game. Many have a constituency in the hundreds and in addition they enhance the culture and community of erepublik.

Party presidents have a wide range of power by directly controlling both candidates for congress and country president. They also create a substitution for regional politics as each party in a sense acts as a state and each party president acts as a governor. Also in parties such as the Federalists and the Libertarians the president is the commander –in-chief of its militias.

So the question I must ask is why party presidents, unlike Congressmen and Country Presidents, don’t receive a medal or some other recognition of their achievement? Wouldn’t it make sense for the elected individual who determines who runs for country president and Congress receive a medal also?

The solution to our problem

That my friends is why I’m proposing a party presidential medal for erepublik. Any individual who is elected to the position of party president would receive this medal as an achievement for their accomplishment.

Some of you may be wondering of the possibility of citizens PTOing parties just to receive some free gold and then promptly resigning. Well under the suggestion of CRoy I would suggest that in exchange for the new medal, party presidents would not receive compensation for their win and would still have to pay the two gold election fee in order to prevent this from happening.

P.S. If you support this idea sign onto the thread given below and vote up this article. 🙂
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