A Republican Revolution

Day 993, 11:05 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln
Well I had pictures to put in but stupid erebuglik won't let me. Sorry about that. I went ahead and coded it in so hopefully they will eventually pop up.

My fellow Republicans. Our party has suffered much throughout its history. Whether it be numorous PTO attempts, multiple acts of vandalism against our forums, or just through plain ignorance we have always prevailed. I am here to ask you today to support a hardworking team that will make our party move forward once again.

Most candidates campaign on the promise for change. We must ask ourselves what change are they talking about? Is it change for the good or for the bad? Our current party administration campaigned on the promise for change. However if you ask most party members this isn't the change they were looking for. Our current administration had broken party law, vandalized our forum,and apparently thinks elections aren't necessary. My friends in a few days this all about to change.

Darrel Anderson 2 has asked me to be his running mate in this election and I have agreed. This is the same winning combination from his previous term as Republican Party President. During his administration our party has never been more stable. We accomplished much during his term and I look forward to accomplishing even more this term.

Some of our goals include-

Having a transparent government
Over the past month our party has experienced a decline in transparency and the democratic process. Instead of having open votes and discussion we have suffered through backroom deals and no discussion whatsoever on the issue of party candidates and representatives.
If elected we promise to have open discussions with our members over Congressional and Presidential candidates. We also promise to hold votes according to our party charter while and also updating members through the Republican Gazette.

-Party Recruitment
We have been a minor party in the United States for way too long. Darrel has already started to assemble a great recruitment team including the expert Ronald Reagan Reborn. We will be constantly mass messaging all unaffiliated voters of the eUS.

We will also be reinstating the eYoung Republicans. This program will be solely for citizens under level 7. As new citizens join eRepublik in the eUS, a mentor will be appointed to a group of them and help them with daily tasks. Then when it comes time to join a party their mentor will direct them to the Republican party. While this may not show immediate results we need to take into account the long-term growth and leadership of our party.

Party Relations
Most large parties of the eUS appoint Ambassadors to fellow parties. This is a common sign of courtesy and helps connect the eUS. As of now the Republican Party has no such program. If elected we plan to appoint Ambassadors to at least the top 5 parties but if we have more interest we will appoint Ambassadors to as many parties as possible. The Ambassadors will remain in the Republican Party but will be active on the other parties IRC and forums. This should help us gain respect of top 5 parties etc.

Enforcing and amending the Party Charter
Over this previous administration we have seen numorous violations of our party law and the confessed ignorance of our party charter. If elected we will enforce the party constitution and prosecute any member who violates it. Also we will ensure that our party Leadership Council which is comprised of the party forum admins and five elected delegates is re-established according to our charter. The Council will act as a voice for our party membership and as a check on the Executive Board.

It has also become apparent that our charter does need some slight modification. So we will open the floor to party members and they can add amendments etc. and they will all be voted on at the end of the week. This is in no way discarding the current charter. We are only editing it and throughout the process the party will still be governed by the unedited charter.

Streamlining the party government
As you can tell from our party forum our Executive Board includes unconstitutional and unnecessary positions and also includes a seperate party cabinet. We plan to eliminate the illegal positions while also adding a few necessary positions through amending the party charter. We feel the need to uphold party law and also aim to make our government for efficient and effective.

Richard Nixon II
A concerned Republican