A Little Overview of PCP

Day 1,254, 06:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Hi Bob


Before you answer my PCP questions, Bob, can I ask you a little personal question?

Sure thang

Are you schizophrenic Bob?

Erm, no.

Oh ok. So, just curious, if you're not schizophrenic why does this article have two distinct narrative voices but only one writer?

A wizard did it.

Fair enough. So anyways, whats the deal with the PCP? Just how communist is the People's Communist Party?

Well, PCP is an old party, and has evolved and changed over the years, but for the most part, our communist element derives from communes - these are schemes where workers have joint stakes in communal companies and are provided with the food and houses that the communes produce. This isn't massively radical, most militaries in the eworld use a system like this to provide weapons and wellness for their soldiers. We want to make schemes like this more wide reaching, include more people, and in particular, help new players who have just joined the game. We have been running communes for a long time and believe this is best approach to the game. In terms of other policy areas, we take a more moderate left wing approach.

Hmm, you say PCP is an old party. It sounds like the kind of place that might look down on new members.

Not at all. PCP is very welcoming towards new players, and as I've said, our communes can be hugely beneficial to newer players. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard a bad word spoken against new PCP members in our forum or on our IRC, except by Bob Boblo. But ignore him, hes the village idiot.

I thought you were Bob Boblo?

Quiet you!

That sounded very authoritarian. Are you sure guys aren't Stalinist?

Not at all. In fact, PCP is traditionally, a very laid back party. They even elected me, of all people, as PP once. We have none of the hierarchical structures that some other parties have, such as party whips. Everyone in PCP is considered an equal and gets their fair say.

Interesting. So what makes PCP unique?

Well, we have a clear ideology. We're not wishy washy types trying to win elections with minimal policy and dull promises of uniting people from all over the political spectrum. If you join PCP you are joining a party that has genuine principles and genuinely stands for something. That, and we bake the best cookies. Many parties claim to bake good cookies, but the IPPPCQ (Independent panel for party political cookie quality) stated ours were clearly the best.

Well thanks for that little overview Bob.

No problem. Hey what was your name?


Well, grab your coat Jasmin, you've pulled!

Um, what?

Are you a hooker? Cause I'm hooked on you.
Was your dad a cement mixer? Because you are making me hard.
I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you.

Cool story bro

If I was an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
If you were words on a page, you’d be what they call fine print.
If you were an x-y plane, I’d want to approach your origin from positive integers.
Come on, one of those must have worked?

Of course they worked Bob. You had me at hello.



You can read all about the PCP here here And you can join the party here.

Here is a picture of an attractive female to reward you for reaching the end of my article.