A few words about fair play

Day 1,754, 08:13 Published in USA Turkey by Semper5

I'm writing this article instead of my wife because she doesn't own a newspaper and doesn't speak English very well. So, let's start...

Jelena Slavna (that's an in-game nick of my wife) just lost a fight for a BH medal. But we both aren't sad about it. It was a great, fair fight between her and a guy named Javier Ferrao.

As it turned out at the end of the battle, apparently they were both without health and candy bars. Therefore, who will be the winner was a matter of seconds - who will be the first to recover health and fire a winning shot. It turned out that it was Javier.

Javier, we congratz you for your great and honorable victory. You're a honorable and great man.

Unfortunately, not all players are honorable and fair player like Javier.
Earlier today, Jelena was also attempted to win a BH medal in another battle. She was the first who fired shots at the beginning of the battle, "marking" the battle for a BH medal. As we all know, it's an unwritten rule that is routinely respected by all honest and fair play players. Even in her profile, she wrote that she is asking other players to wait for the next round, because there's enough battles and medals for everybody. Throughout the battle, all of which have appeared in it, respected Helena's request and mentioned unwritten rule of fairness and correctness toward others.
As the battle was ending Jelena was significantly ahead of the others in the number of points and it seemed she will win a BH medal. She walked away from the computer for a moment because she was cooking lunch simultaneously. On her return from the kitchen she was shocked - the battle was over, and the BH medal was won by a player named Dron BY. From the very beginning of the battle, this person - Dron BY, hasn't even appeared in the battle, nor he participate. He doesn't bother himself to make any effort to fight for a medal. He was waiting for the last minute of the battle in order to steal a medal instead. Without any effort or fair fight for it.

Ok, I know it's not illegal, I know that many others are doing the same. I also know that this is just a game. But just because it's just a game, I think all of us who are playing eRepublik, the same way as in any sport, should play in a fair manner and with at least a minimum of respect for other players and that effort and hard work that we all are investing in this game. And those players like Dron BY spoils our experience of the game more than all the modifications made by Plato. Persons like those just making me sick and make me want to leave the game. Not because of medals, screw medals. But because of the realization that there are people who do not have a shred of a sense of honor and integrity, and who are literally willing to trample over corpses, just to get what they want, while methods to achieve their goals are not essential or important at all.

Dron BY and others like him, what kind of people are you? Is stealing is more important to you then to win it in a fair fight? Does competition and effort to achieve something doesn't mean anything to you? I'm really trying to understand your system of moral values, but I can't. Maybe I'm too stupid, but I really can't understand how something stolen can have greater personal value then something you have to fight for. As much as I'm concerned, anyone who win by cheating is actually a looser.
Anf if you fight fairly, you're a winner no matter what. Even if you loose.

So, being a honorable man or being a coward - it's always our choice. Our honor can't be taken away from us, we can only give it up willingly. I'll never understand people who doesn't care about fairness, honor, loyalty, respect etc.