40th Congress: Last Day

Day 1,252, 00:37 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

The Speaker's Word of the Day is: "Goodbye."

A lot of good people play this game. A lot of people you may not necessarily know about. Take Candor for instance. He's had one of the toughest jobs this last month, and he's handled it like a pro. In playing this game, I wish I could have met some of the people I interacted with. There are a lot of them who I wish I could have said goodbye to that are now gone. A lot of smart people play this. Then again a lot of dumb people do too, but let's not spoil the moment with them, shall we?

Except you, you're kinda not cool.

When Candor asked me to stay around at the beginning of the term, I was hesitant. It's honestly a lot of work being in Congress sometimes, but with the system he implemented, I think it's accomplished a lot. Let's recap how much has gone on:

-The military leaving
-A new one being established
-Various PTO threats being thwarted
-Budget woes
-Ally woes

All that on top of the standard BS Congress usually has to put up with, and you have yourself one full term. I honestly don't know how it was done, but it was. And, well, that's something.

To those outgoing Congressmembers, thank you for your time and effort. It was an interesting one, and I think I can safely say one of the most important ones in the history of Congress.

To those incoming Congressmembers who will know for sure whether they made it tomorrow, good luck. It's a lot more button pushing than you'd expect, but it's a good stepping stone for better things in the game. Ask questions, seek help, and remember: it's a game.

Animis'll probably write up that article later about the whole Congress awards for cool people thing. If you don't know what I'm talking about read the last article, and no, I won't post the link, you can click the button yourself if your'e really that interested.

That's this week's Word, and probably my last word in this game. So to all you who'll keep playing, good luck and remember to enjoy it.

/gets off soapbox

Over and out,
Congressional Press Director

Stay frosty...