40th Congress Closes with it's Congresional Citizens Award Ceremony

Day 1,253, 02:10 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

Opening Music
Welcome to the eUSA Monthly Congressional Citizen’s Award Ceremony, sponsored by the 40th Congress of the eUSA

Tonight’s Ceremony has been prepared by the 40th Congress Citizens Award Committee;

1. Libertarian Party - Jelly9473 (Chairman)
2. USWP - Stanley Ibcus
3. Socialist Freedom Party- Civil Anarchy
4. United Independents Party - Stygian Steel
5. Federalist Party - Due to so few Federalists, this seat remained unfilled for this session

Tonight’s Ceremony is hosted by Candor; our 40th Congress Speaker of the House
With the assistance of Animis, Moderator and Consultant

This evening we honor 5 Award Winners and 10 Runners Up. It wasn’t easy to choose from an extraordinary pool of many nominees.

Before we begin, let’s have a round of applause for all the nominees Applause

Thanks to the Extraordinary Generosity of our Gold Donors; zonmei; John Largo; jerseygirl ; sunnygyrl315; Dmgctrl ; and Candor and our many Tank Donors; Colin Lantrip; Animis; Jelly9473; Hadrian X; Alexander Valkor; McMason; Veni_Zelos; and deershark we have some really great prizes for our Award Winners and Runners Up.

Award Winners will each get a Custom made Signature Badge to use of forums and anywhere else you choose. In addition, Award Winners will each receive 5 Gold!

Runners Up will receive one of our very popular and fun battle toys - The eUSA Special Sixpack, made of 6 Q5 Tanks!


Now, Presenting Our Award Winners and Runners Up:

In the Category of New & Young eAmericans we all need to know

The Award goes to: Daniel Roman4 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4574937

In his nomination Daniel was described as “This new guy is doing everything and should be encouraged; This guy interviews countless foreign CP's, a lot of which has been included in the WHPR. Vote: Cool New Guy”

Runner Ups with some of the nomination comments:

Princess Annie - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4700122 she has a business and a paper in her first week! A serious over achieving girl and we need more of them.

Chutley - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4282254 This guy is funny and nice and the kind of young player who if cultivated further will last and add to our country. I am into encouraging the non psychos, so sick of drama just for the sake of drama.

JLake4 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4338724 he went the extra mile and really wanted to see the Eusa succeed . This deserves some respect/recognition. The best part is he did this all while being dSoS

Congratulations all of you New and Young eAmericans we all need to get to know!

In the Category of Support of New & Young Player Growth (formerly called Charity)

The Award goes to: Blank Keating –for his generosity and continued and varied work in ‘The Keating Chronicles’. Blank Keating, if you recall, was a Runner-up in Education & Media last month.

His nomination comments credited Keating with "Blank goes so far beyond his Job in the WH in terms of his continuous generosity and entertaining contests like this one - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/swag-stuff-we-all-get-1748165/1/20. He is Education, Charity and Entertainment all rolled into one!”

Runner Up: Nuriessa - “for the stellar work she does in education and retention. She often is around to answer questions from newer players and has on several occasions given from her own pocket to ensure people stay happy and around for their eLives to flourish. Her work in educating newer players and in attempting to convince people to stay in a game for just a little longer to learn to love it should be commended. She’s the first person to offer help and has in my experience never turned anyone away even when she has other things going on in her RL life that most would allow to remove them from eLife, she’s there to help”.

Congratulations to all you generous folks, without you we just wouldn’t be eAmerica!

In the Category of Education, the Award known as the The Athanaric Memorial Award for Education & Media

The Award goes to: Gnilraps - for his currently on hiatus – 16 SHELLS Newspaper

Gnilraps Nominator said “His election coverage this last presidential cycle was original and engaging and extremely well written. He also provided nonpartisan coverage of the mil-congress issue and continues to be a positive vocal leader for the eUS.”

Runners Up: Rusty_Shackleford for his Day in Maps Newspaper http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/erep-in-maps-day-1-248-1754362/1/20 it reflects lots of effort and pride. and…

Syrup, who was also, last month’s runner up! – “I enjoy his daily updated series of articles.; they helped with my companies” Obviously, we agree.

Congratulations to all you hard working writers and educators, we would not have a game without your continued efforts!

In the Category of Fun, or THE Most Entertainment one can get out a bunch of Pixels

The Award goes to: Josh Whitehead - http://www.blogtalkradio.com/worldwidewhitehead

He has an awesome show; He is a sexy beast, and he fails at sex lines. “Guy does a radio show?; Newspaper almost every day for months now? ; He's funny bi-winnnning!"

After Josh there just were no Runners Up, He is just THAT good!

Congratulations to all you nutty Entertainer’s, we love to hate ya, but it’s a good hate, the LOVE kind! You remind us that we are here to have fun.

In the Category of Awesome Citizen of the Month

This month we took this Category very seriously, many things have occurred recently and we were presented with a candidate who may be controversial to some, but we felt that ‘doing the RIGHT THING’ is always awesome!

The Award goes to: chesehead

It’s just this simple: Returning stolen government property, helping restore the dignity to the men and women who choose to stay and serve our nation through our official military. The full Story is found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/in-response-to-my-dd-1748992/1/20

Runners Up: Evry; Anyonymous; xDavidx and Pdeb
As a group, “they stood up with the other Senior Officers of the Marine Corps against the corruption and backwards nature of the current JCS leadership that has been leading our old military organization to ruins. Making sacrifices by throwing away the time and effort they had put into the old military organization to take a stand. They are awesome and became martyrs for the eMarines, leading us to the National Army in an uncomplicated process.”

Congratulations to all you of you awesome eAmericans, you show up how great we can be!

Let’s have a final Round of Applause for all our Winners.

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