10 of the Most Dramatic Presidential Elections in eUK History

Day 1,508, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Because everyone loves a good list

10. Final Destiny v JerryGFL February 5th 2009

The election itself was a nondescript landslide but this is included largely for the circumstances surrounding it. UKRP had dominated the political landscape since erepublik had started bar a 3 month spell in which PCP were in power and one term from TUP. UKRP had won four consecutive elections and PCP and TUP were both experiencing a drought of candidates. In the previous election a youthful TUP chose not to support anyone, whilst after Relic decided not to run again it was looking like PCP's only option was to support then Minister of Work Bob Boblo, in what would have been an electoral massacre. But then, out of the blue, popular former President Final Destiny decided to run as an independent candidate and every other top 5 party, PCP, TUP, MDU and TRP decided to rally around him in a 'Yellow Submarine' coalition that destroyed UKRP's seemingly unflinching dominance. It was an bold, unprecedented and shocking move and lay the ground for all future coalitions. The Yellow Submarine coalition didn't last very long, however, as FD disappeared 2 days into his presidency and was impeached soon after leaving Jerry to pick up the pieces in an admirable manner.

9. Thomas765 v Mittekemuis v Dishmcds December 5th 2011

If you don't know the story behind this one, then congratulations you are the biggest noob in our nation, however I shall I go over it anyways for the sake of completeness. As the UK was struggling with a difficult war with Ireland and Canada and had an uncertain future, one of the few genuine three horse races had seemingly emerged. In actuality, Dish was very half-hearted in his campaign and stumbled to a meager 127 votes. It was hence a straight battle between the then MoFa colleagues Thomas765, former Austrian President and once upon a time Pope of Bobloism, and Mittekemuis, Anime loving former Belgian President. Thomas held a small lead throughout the day and just pipped her to the post as ESO missed out on winning their first election without TUP support, something they will almost certainly achieve in 2012.

8. Rayf Drayson v KIA Sneak October 1st 2008

This was a crucial election, as it was last election in the beta and decided who would have the responsibility of adapting eUK to V1. After a resurgent UKRP had just missed out on winning back presidency from PCP, Dish had seemingly decided that a former US president could never win the big one in the UK, and his young apprentice Rayf was thrust into the spotlight. It was classic battle between youthful upstarts with questionable experience and an experienced government in decline. Naturally, everyone jumped on Rayf's perceived inexperience but such was Dish's success in turning around UKRPs fortune that they managed a fairly close but always inevitable win. As part of his cabinet, I think Rayf was a fantastic president in one of the most difficult months but sadly he stepped down after just one term and he left me not sure if he ever really wanted to be president in the first place.

7. Iain Keers v Glados July 5th 2010

If ever there was an election that was worthy of the title 'Clash of the Titans' it was this. Erepublik was about enter a new era as it entered V2. At this stage Iain Keers had already established himself as the godfather of TUP, who were on a hot streak having won the previous two elections by landslides. In the past year only two people had beaten TUP in a presidential election; Dish, who was seen off comfortably by Woldy the previous month, and Glados who had also won presidency under the TUP banner. You could be forgiven for thinking Iain was capable of strolling into Downing Street whenever he saw fit, but if there was one person who could beat Iain it was Glados, and TUP were on their own after Sir Digby-Chicken Caesar finally managed to convince PCP to let him run for presidency after multiple runs with small parties. It was a tight election but in the end this seemingly unpredictable went as everyone predicted. Iain pulled away slightly as the day went on and won by 26 votes. In hindsight its hard to see who wouldn't want Iain as president at a time when the game mechanics are about to change consistently.

6. Temujin94 v Sir Humphrey Appleby October 5 2011

At a time when the UK was continuing its fruitless (pardon the pun) war with Ireland, and at war with Canada, we were set to elect a first time president. Temujin was born and raised on the TUP presidential conveyor belt that is MoFa whilst Appleby had long been a shining light in a party that too often relies on its old guard. The emergence of ESO had left the big two pretty much dead level, and they ran Daeres who won votes off both Tem and Apple Pie on the way to a respectable 93 votes. Ultimately, it was a vintage eUK election; Temujin edged it with a slight lead all day but probably needed to wash all his underwear afterwards.

5. Deathtoll32 v Relic January 5th 2009

After 2 terms in charge in which he became the first person ever to be president of two countries, Dish decided to step down as president and the then somewhat inexperienced Deathtoll was announced as UKRPs candidate. PCP went for a similarly left-field choice in Relic, a very capable minister who was a popular figure on the forums, though had not been in government for some time. TUP were still very much on the rise, and decided not to put forward a candidate making this an extremely unpredictable election. PCP were just starting a major decline; after being neck and neck with UKRP for many months previous, they were trashed in December after a UKRP-TUP coalition, and were really only aiming for one last hurrah in this election. The lead constantly changed throughout the day with a typically affable Relic promising to get up early in the morning to make the winning vote. Sadly, his vote only narrowed the margin of Deathtoll's victory to 10 as PCP's time at the top came to a cathartic end. Deathtoll had a fairly low key term and never really had the chance to prove himself.

4. KIA Sneak v Dishmcds September 1st 2008

This is the erepublik election I will never forget as it was the only genuine upset I can recall, and it was my party that pulled it off. After months of dominance, UKRP had stumbled after a TUP term and 2 months of PCP dominance, but a certain American named Dish had breathed fresh life into the party. Hard as may seem to believe now, but at the time Dish was treated with a great deal of suspicion largely based in a very British brand of xenophobia, and he was also quick to express his love of free markets and disdain for PCP style economics. This was a very heated election. As much as it pains me to admit, PCP were always a medium sized party punching above their weight rather than a truly major party, and after two months in power we were running out of steam. Dish became a clear favorite when the previously neutral and at the time extremely influential United Belgian Party announced their public support for Dish after previously remaining neutral. Come election day it was closer than expected and Dish never seemed to pull away as everyone expected. He maintained the lead throughout the day however, and UKRP were always famous for their 'night vote' pulling it out the bag for them so everyone went to bed assuming to wake up to a Dish victory. However, defying every expectation, KIA had managed to come back and eke out a win. This election is also noteworthy as TUP embarrassingly finished below the Lithuanian Party in the congress elections which were held on the same day, and looked to be completely finished...

3. Kumnaa v JerryGFL June 5th 2009

Mid-2009 was a funny time for eUK politics. TUP had overtaken PCP as the second party but still hadn't really cracked the the UKRP empire, whilst UKRP were struggling with a lack of new talent. In the previous month, much-maligned UKRP president Saradroz was ripped to shreds from all corners as Atlantis fell apart, not helped by the fact that a small cross-party cabal had decided to join Peace and install Kunmnaa as president. Both TUP and PCP supported Kumnaa which was expected to be enough but it was far from easy as UKRP veteran JerryGFL decided to run. Jerry was widely seen as a safe hand and is easily one of our finest ever citizens, but has always been underrated due to lacking the big personality of someone like Woldy or Dish. Despite being a two-term president it seemed like most people remembered him for getting destroyed by the Yellow Submarine Coalition. But on this day the voting public decided to pay him his dues and almost pushed him to an unlikely victory. It started close as Jerry opened up an early lead of about 25 votes, leading to Malta uttering the immortal words The gap is too large now. Jerry will be on that politics page tommorow. However, he was vastly premature and as the day went on it evened up again. It went right down to the wire as Kumnaa won by 13 votes in what was seen as a epic election for those of us invited into the big conspiracy, but as much as we were probably right to have joined Peace, part of me would have loved to see the under-recognized quiet man upset the applecart and get a shock win against what was basically an elitist clique.

2. Mr.Woldy v Craig Rossiter December 5th 2009

The closest election that everyone except the oldest of the old has seen. I don't like going out and savaging someones capabilities as a candidate, but there are definitely candidates who are put forward for the sake of putting forward a candidate and not many were enthusiastic about Craig Rossiter, who scarcely bothered using capital letters even when writing his name, being president. Add this to fact that Woldy was going for a 3rd term, previously only achieved by Kaleb, KIA and Dish, such was the company he was now in. Under the guidance of Iain Keers, TUP were going for a 6th election win in a row, and were the most unbeatable party since UKRP at the start of the game. On top of that, RFA who had often supported UKRP decided to run their own candidate GGryan. I think its safe to say that most of us were expecting a landslide of historic proportions. However, you can never, ever write off UKRP and it quickly became clear that this was not to be a landslide as the election constantly twisted and turned and the lead switched multiple times as Craig's harshest detractors experienced the biggest butthurt of their lives. Everyone went to bed wondering what the fuck had happened and woke up to find Woldy and scraped it by the skin of his teeth; 704 votes to 701. Say what you want about Craig Rossiter, but you can never judge how good a president someone will be until after they've been president and lots of people have surprised us before. You also have to have some idea what you are doing to almost pull off one of the greatest erepublik election upsets any country has ever seen.

1. Kaleb v 94asm February 1st 2008

Anyone sad enough to have been around long enough to know who Kaleb is and what the 313 invasion was will have known what I was going to put number one. At the very start of erepublik Kaleb and Shadow founded UKRP, easily won presidency and set about setting up everything we take for granted now. Orgs, the military, the forums, congress. The only other parties at the time were amateurish and nothing like what we have today. Despite having one of the best President's we've ever had every country was on fragile grounds, and the UK was put under risk when '313', the United Kingdom board from Gamefaqs decided to takeover eUK with their only policy being 'invade France for the lulz', despite the fact that the war module had not been introduced yet. The serious UK players rallied around Kaleb as 313 gained an insane amount of power due to 313ers uninterested in the game working at slave wages for their fellow 313ers. After the leader of the original 313 party went inactive, the 313ers formed Now El313ct Winners under the leadership of 94asm and dominated the mayoral elections. They even managed to win support from swing voters who were previously loyal to Kaleb. Kaleb managed to win some of them back by warning of a potential 313 'apartheid' but the takeover threat remained both real and imminent. The future of the UK really did hang in the balance and it could not have been closer. It was neck and neck between Kaleb and 94asm, but 94asm soon opened up a lead and looked set for victory. As people went to bed the only hope was for the famous UKRP night vote to see us through. People woke up to find it was a tie which meant under erepubliks tie break rule that Kaleb was still president. Famously, the original 313 party received 20 votes in the election, as the decision to form a second party proved costly. After coming so close yet so far, most 313ers lost interest. Those that did stay decided to shed their 313 roots and form The Unity Party.

And the rest is history.