[WHPR] Special WAR DECLARED Edition

Day 5,198, 16:53 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
"You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive"

Special Edition

“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” -- Mark Twain


Recently a telegram was intercepted by your intrepid White House gardener, err, I mean ace war reporter and media super-starlet.

It had been tossed out a broken window from whence a good deal of both laughter and yelling had been coming for some time. I'd also noticed some pungent smoky vapors emanating from said window.

I'm pretty sure that at one point I'd heard the voice of Shiloh13, one of President Kody's military advisors, shout, in an excitable manner, an expletive that rhymes with "cluck". Like: "(Cluck) Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"

That sort of thing anyway. Can't be sure. It might have been Ubuntu21. I've heard he swears alot too. It's a pretty sweary bunch, really.

Anyway. Being tidy (unlike some people), I picked up the paper. Clearly, it was the text of a telegram that had recently been written. No doubt it'd quickly been transmitted using electricity, or some other form of super-high tech available to those at the highest levels of Our Majestic Peoples Government. It was addressed to Herr Vootsman, the Supreme Leader of the Asteria Alliance. I'm pretty sure Vootsman was actually in the same room with the other guys. Not sure why a telegram was needed in that case. But it's not for me to question the ways of the mighty.

I trembled as I read the eloquently penciled words. No doubt by President Kody himself...

"When the nefarious CODE Alliance, after a long train of abuses & usurpations regarding some very abusive stuff involving usurpations and whatnot, and pursues invariably the same object, and evinces a flex to reduce us brave and nobel Asterians under absolute Despotism, it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such chadniks & to provide new guards for our future security."

The mighty war machine was unleashed! It was only a day later than the Congress passed an airstrike against Croatia, or no was it Bucherest? Oh no, wait, that's in Romania, who has always been our friend. Oh wait, yeah, it was a declaration of war against Hungary. But this is eRepublik, so we're fighting them in Transilvania, which used to be Romania.

And that's why we also declared war on Argentina. Or something. The important thing is that it's not a gol-durned traning war. It's a real ("real") war, so there's no pre-ordanined outcome. And that's a heckuva lot more fun than an endless train of training wars.

As I beamed with pride regarding our brave leaders, I gazed up at the White House window where this momentous moment had originated and... And there he was, chilling on the balcony, taking in the winter sun, Our Dear Leader! ... looking very stern indeed. Gazing out across the purple mountains majesty of Kentucky. Fixing those dastardly CODE-ikians with his steely view.

President Kody, ready for war!

Breaking News:

La France has declared war on us. One supposes those espèces de raté think we'll find that frightful. Pffffttt! We'll soon be enjoying some tasty French toast is more like it!

Insider News:

I wandered inside the Frankfort "White" House to see if I could return the telegram to President Kody. Thought it might be a security breach to just be tossing them out the window like that.

Somewhat to my surprise, nobody challenged me and several even waved and gave me a big 'ol "Howdy!". Then I remembered -- I am PQ, America's Media Sensation! -- so I just meandered on upstairs until I found the most smoke-filled room. And there was Prez Kody, still flexing those amazing tats and pumping his fist as he walked around dictating more telegrams.

Obvs, I can't divulge all the details of what I heard and saw, BUT...

I can tell you that a new round of Balkan Wars is heating up, with movements being planned against both the Hungarians and the Argentines. And I don't want to just go around jumping up and down and screaming "Hello, Kitty! That was such a blast!!" like an excitable and breathless Fabulous Old Fart, but let's just say surprise military movements against CODE could happen in an e-continent that rhymes with the medical condition called keratectasia....

I also saw the war team huddled over what looked to me like an old board game version of "Risk". They were munching pecan pie and it looked like they had a little campfire going, where they were making s'mores, while arguing over what is the best way to organize training wars so that allies can move around more quickly.


eRepublik is a highly stratified society. Long-time players, those who spend actual money on the game, those who've built up enterprises or collectives which generate plenty of in-game income tend to advance more quickly. They become the giants. The heavy hitters. Their contributions to battles often make the difference between winning or losing.

No e-country can succeed as a military power without a bevy of top guns. Here in the e-USA, the Executive keeps in direct touch with the top 50 fighters to direct damage where and when it will be the most useful. Some militias similarly work to keep their top fighters, whether Top 50 or not, in the loop as much as possible.

The US government also operates the GIMP program to provide extra support for air fighters, since air combat is our edge internationally.

Militias who try to follow the Executive's lead in times of "real war" seek to deploy their damage in coordination with the most critical strikes, ideally at the most opportune time. Some use chat platforms like Discord to coordinate; others rely on in-game comms like PM's and militia boards.

At least one militia (OK, OK... it's my favorite one, that I'm a member of, the Bear Cavalry) does everything it can to support both its heavy hitters and its rank-and-file fighters. Less advanced players are provided with weapons and energy to build up their strength. They're advised on how to engage in battles with an eye towards winning the occasional Hero awards. And the BC's militia board is updated regularly to advise members where to direct their fire.

If your militia (or party, or you personally) offers assistance to newer, younger fighters -- or perhaps you specialize in supporting the more elite combat units -- please feel free to share that info below!

A young Bear Cavalry combatant is getting ready to blast away with some heavy weapons for the first time. shooting at some nefarious Argentinxs. Not sure exactly what the... beef... is there? Possibly the e-USA and its allies are demanding free tango lessons? Meh! Who cares?!?! It is a REAL war!!! Pew-pew!!

xio, PQ