[TUP] PP Candidates

Day 1,913, 15:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

No, this is not me throwing my name in the ring! But with several candidates running for the Presidency of The Unity Party this month, i thought I would introduce the lead runners who have published manifestos and made it clear they will be aiming for success this month.

First up we have the venerable Keers who has returned to once again guide The Unity Party through the month. He has promised to re-invigorate and re-ignite TUP bringing it back to the fore in all aspects of UK politics, we welcome his return and look forward to seeing what he will do this month.

His Manifesto can be found here.

Next we have the several times PP in the past nebojsa.petrovic who is running against Keers on much the same platform, should be interesting to see who is more popular between the two of them.

His manifesto can be read here

Lastly, but certainly not least, we have newcomer Skibbler who has begun a strong campaign to gain the PP of TUP this month with many interesting ideas.

Skibbler's manifesto can be found here

So, there we have it, our three front-runners all competing to gain the PP title for this month. I wish them all luck and may the best win!