[TRG] The Five Point Plan

Day 2,852, 20:44 Published in USA USA by J.A. Lake
The Five Point Plan

The question of revolution in eRepublik is perhaps one of the most difficult to answer, and requires careful consideration.

Naturally a violent overthrow of the e-government is impossible, with the exception of the use of the dictatorship module. While one could hypothetically overthrow the government in-game, we would find rapidly that it is a half measure, that the true infection is off-site. Any effort to depose the bourgeoisie would be short-lived.

So we are faced with a dilemma. Without a game mechanic to force the e-government out, are we dead in the water?


Our hypothetical revolution would encompass five points of resistance utilized in each major module of the game, save for media.


1. The first point is an obvious one. Do not vote for counterrevolutionary parties. In doing so you starve the bourgeoisie of power in Congress. Revolutionary parties would gain a majority over time. This is one of the most important points in this list- political power is the only power that truly matters.

2. Refuse participation in the metagame. This is very important, and removes the meta power from the hands of the bourgeoisie. They govern through imaginary rules on an off-site forum- that's great! Let them stay there.


3. Engage in black market trading on a large scale. This would help to keep some tax revenue from the hands of the meta government. Less money in their hands is a high-level goal for revolutionaries- it stays the colonialist hand of the government and can help to save our comrades the world over.

4. Hand-in-hand with Point 3, work jobs that cheat the tax laws. A fellow citizen published an article detailing a business plan that went roughly like so- jobs were put up for minimum wage and those that worked them would be paid in a direct transfer of currency at the end of the week. Again, less tax revenue would help to strangle the bourgeoisie.


5. Refuse to fight in bourgeois wars. This is a necessity. Legitimacy of the government abroad is demonstrated with whatever force we can project. Take for example the debacle in Paraguay last month- the BeachBunny Administration will wear the mark of that failure for a long time, and showed the poor coordination and weakness of American forces.

If Americans refuse to fight for the bourgeois government, the government will look weak and the faith of their imperialist allies will be broken, further rendering them impotent.

Some of these suggestions are radical. Some may even be treasonous in nature. If we are so grim set on role playing the real United States, though, we should also bear in mind that the founders were traitors as well. Treason is as American as apple pie.

So... Here's to the men who did what was considered wrong, in order to do what they knew was right...

Our first step is to conquer patriotism and nationalism. Yes, many American players have grown up wrapped in the stars and stripes and hearing naught but how infallible America and Americans are. This is not, however, a valid basis upon which to form opinions, least of all in eRepublik.

Patriotism is a tool used to bend well-meaning people to the will of the meta government. If a country strikes at eAmerica, it is all to easy to plaster the red, white, and blue everywhere and shout about an attack on America. There is a very distinct difference there, though.

I ask: Should we fear the overtaking of a country that isn't truly ours?

Furthermore, what has this e-country done to earn a patriot's love? Answer that question. A powerful example is the unpopular and historically high tax rate passed several months ago. Despite the unpopularity of the law, the meta government refuses to act on it. Regardless of their reasoning, their job is to represent the people. Refusing to bend to the people's will is tantamount to saying, "We know better than you what you want."

Read the aforementioned Five Points through a revolutionary lens. Do not fear blacklisting or censure or ostracizing because we seek to change that system! What does it matter if you are disallowed from an off-site forum dominated by your ideological enemies? No one but your comrades in the Party can stop you from reaching Congress or, perhaps, the Presidency.

All you have to lose from going revolutionary is the privilege of being the latest troll fodder on the eUS forums. That is a price everyone should be prepared and indeed willing to pay.

Cast off the blinders of patriotism, nationalism, and sabre-rattling imperialism!

Join your brothers in the overthrow of this revolving-door oligarchy!

Destroy the influence of the meta lords and raise up a government truly for the people, one that obeys our will!

Resist! Revolt! Rejoice!