[South Africa] eSA and Brazilian negotiations

Day 566, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom South Africa by Ines Schumacher

As most of you know, Gabriel has resigned as eSA resistance leader and a topic is currently running on the eSA forum who the new leader should be. I have not received any opposition so I accept the position. I am honoured at the confidence you have placed in me regarding the future of eSA.

If you are unhappy with the "election" process please let me or Gabriel know your suggestions to do it a different way.

I can't run the whole thing by myself, so I have tasked a few people to help me with certain areas of the resistance.

Military: Ali Mentary and Mark Morcom
Foreign affairs: Gabriel Borien
Intelligence: Steven Bosch (deputy: Luc Praetor)

As always, Hiresh still holds the purse strings. 🙂

I have asked each party PP to nominate a resistance liaison. So if UL is unhappy about something, that person gets notified and he chats to me about it. I want to make sure all the parties have an opportunity to voice their concerns about anything that's happening/isn't happening.

I would like to take this opportunity to applaud Gabriel "The Resistance" Borien on all his hard work and thank him for bringing eSA so far!

I have initiated talks with the Brazilian president, Cavalcanti, and we had a very good first meeting on MSN earlier today, regarding the issue of our occupied regions. He is taking a proposal back to his government for them to consider.

I ask all eSA citizens to respect this sensitive stage of negotiations and refrain from spamming Brazilian media and leaving insulting comments in their articles. And even if provoked, I ask you to refrain from mud fights. 🙂


This is a call to all nations sympathetic to the eSouth African cause to register on the South African Independence League (SAIL) forum and talk to eSouth African resistance leaders about how you can help us.

Here is the link: http://s1.zetaboards.com/SAIL/index/

Post a new topic in the sign in forum with info about yourself, who you represent (you can also just be an individual willing to help or you can represent a business willing to donate) and I will give you permissions to the actual allies forum.

Also if you want to talk to me privately about anything, just message me.

eSA it's important we are open and honest with our leaders so anyone who has any concerns/information/requests/jokes, please message me and I will reply to you within 24 hours, guaranteed.

~ Ines Schumacher