[SFPOM] Congress Speaks:

Day 3,212, 20:04 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Socialist Freedom Party Official Publication #31

Thanks to funding from Hoss1965, we've been able to hold a media contest for the last two weeks. Here are last weeks winners.

1st place is; Announcing My Presidential Run
2nd place is Tanks on the streets of Denver.
3rd place is a tie between interview with henry Pfeiffer and taco truck promise.

The event continues. All SFP members are eligible. The article must be written between 9/5/16 and 9/12/16. Other than that, let the creativity flow.

So, what the F&@k is going on in congress? SFPOM gets it straight from the horse's mouth.


-Jimmy Cincinnati-
So, how's it Going?

It's going great. Perhaps boring at times but I keep going like the energizer bunny. Just keeping on living the eAmerican dream.

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
If you have a minute; can you tell readers what's happening in Congress? I understand that there are some things you can't share.

Right now there are discussion SCI spending and the reserve in private area of congress. Since I can't say much I will sum it this way that no conclusion has been reached on either. In public congress are ongoing discussions on the budget and ongoing vote. I voted for budget as I was okay with it myself. Also in public congress is the ongoing discussions of the role of the USAF and appears no headway at there which is to be suspected as usual but nothing mere than a mere shouting match.


-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'm going to ask for an update from all the congress members and that's going to be the bulk of the next SFPOM.

Presently, Congress smells blood in the water regarding the Resoula administration's inactivity on the USAF matter, which was a major party issue for BSP prior to their arrival in the White House. We may not know this for sure until after the election, but if it turns out that in fact nothing of value was accomplished since the defunding, it may have a negative impact on the electability of Sheep in the near future.

On other matters, Congress is trying to evaluate what to spend money on, now that USAF is no longer a factor. The efficiency and value of the Dept of Citizen Affairs is also being questioned...

That's my opinion of recent events, anyway.

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I appreciate the perspective.

D Money

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'm going to ask for update from all the congress members and that's going to be the bulk of the next SFPOM.
So, how's it Going?

-Ya Boi D Money-
Well life is good I meditate often, attend most of my classes, drink and vape moderately. I am kind of in a transition point. I am an artist in the sense that you can appreciate the tales of Diogenes. I have been working on writing some stand up comedy, which I am publishing on my blog.

You see everyday especially in America their is this belief that we must be infinite. This sounds absurd on its own, but even the fantasy is absurd if achieved. A man even who could en compose the infinite would still have even a larger infinity outside of his grasp. The truth to obtaining infinity is to operate in the finite. Then, one day maybe you can actually see a brief glimpse of the true infinity.

Jimmy Cincinnati

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
When I started my term, I noticed a thread which was aimed at trolling my MU. There were pages of arguments, so I proposed actions to prevent future disruptions. My post was locked, within an hour.

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
Anyways, I voted, "Yes," for an alliance with Mexico. I know it's Secret Congress stuff, but anyone with a brain cell knows that it's on the admin page.
Congress is debating USAF funding. I don't want to fund it, because USAF doesn't hold my interest. I'd rather keep taxes low so more people will invest in the eUS. It's not just about making profits, imo. The investors will fight to maintain the bonuses. The investors=security.


-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'm going to ask for update from all the congress members and that's going to be the bulk of the next SFPOM.
So, how's it Going?

Hey there jimmy, doing well so far. Just trying to learn the in's and outs of this congress. How's it going with you today?

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'm Good. Thanks for asking.
I want to give the readers a feel for your perspective. You are new to congress, right? What was your first impression?

Thats great to hear.

Yes, this is my first time in Congress as well as my first time holding a Political position while a member of the SFP. My first impression was "holy crap theres a lot to catch up on so I can understand whats going on within the eUSA." Which means I've been reading the forums, even so much as reading up on older posts.

Ilene Dover

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'm going to ask for update from all the congress members and that's going to be the bulk of the next SFPOM.
So, how's it Going?

-Ilene Dover-
Can I get back to you tomorrow? Packing for a flight...

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'll be here.

-Ilene Dover-
Congress is how I remember it. Full of noise, that signifies little. Most plays seem pre-planned.
-Ilene Dover-
Remind me again why I said I'd do this?

-Jimmy Cincinnati-

Tom Cauchon

-Jimmy Cincinnati-
I'm going to ask for update from all the congress members and that's going to be the bulk of the next SFPOM.
So, how's it Going?

-Tom Cauchon-
I'm looking forward to a good term in Congress. I'm excited to see a lively discussion involving the budget. I'm happy to see that SFP congressional members are supporting new players by pushing a budget that gives a budget line for DoCA. I really like the delegation we have this month, and I'm looking forward to personally becoming more active over the coming month.

Great! I look forward to seeing you more.

-Pilot Phil-
Congress is the same basically. Everyone gets along and agrees on almost everything. Everyone is very polite and respectful of opposing views. Basically it's like a big house full of cupcakes, cute puppies and rainbows where all is happy and bright.

I have never seen people get along better.
We are all filled with joy and love for our fellow Congress Friends.
And do not forget the cute fluffy kittens...purrrr

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