[SFP] Push the button for TRANSPARENCY

Day 4,792, 06:24 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party
Socialist Freedom News Feed - Day 4783

To All the Revolutionary Poets, Artists, Musicians and Idealists!
To All the Friends of the proletarian and toiling players!
To All the Freedom Writers of every school!
To All the Socialist Freedom militants!

Here's the News!...


The Socialist Freedom Party, in its internal preference poll, has chosen to endorse Derphoof of the US Workers Party, for the next Country President

On JANUARY 5th, sliide on down the electric avenue to the polls, and push the button for MORE SOLIDARITY and EXPANDED TRANSPARENCY! The SFP recommends voting for DERPHOOF.

Analysis and Observations

Derp's proposed approach to the executive is described in two campaign articles -- Turn Ourselves Around and Tear Down the Old.

The SFP sentiment in favor of Derp's campaign was substantial at 62% but not unanimous.

Derp made his case directly to the SFP on our Discord and Forum areas reserved for CP campaigning. His main opponent, the incumbent CP chickensguy did not choose to do so.

boomerdude and the Trite on Movement also appealed directly to the SFP. (Gaia Data was not invited to do so, as he'd been banned from our internal channels for previous attacks, insults and extreme vulgarity, as have both Groot of Cascadia and Dominar Rygel XVI.) CG won 2 votes in the SFP primary, boomerdude of the Mandalorian Party took 1, while Trite and GD received none. The SFP rules mandate that "None of the Above" must always be on the primary poll. That choice received 2 votes this round.

All in all, it was a somewhat cautious endorsement of Derp's determination to build on and expand efforts to redistribute tax monies to the citizen-soldiers on the one hand -- an effort that is already underway in the current Congress -- and to improve the level of transparency regarding how the government manages funds.

This latter point has been a long-standing issue with SFP stalwarts going all the way back to 2010 or so. So that commitment was well received.


The SFP Peoples' Tribunes in the US Congress have been watching the recent polite and comradely exchanges regarding use of off-site meta tools with a typically stern proletarian gaze, reflecting their dedicated scientific world-view that keeps its sights on the bright socialist horizon and avoids engaging in tit-for-tat poo-slinging between bourgeois politcians, whilst still making the appropriate timely interventions.

A typical SFP Congresspeep keeping a close eye on the proceedings.

While the Senatorial luminaries are debating the exact same issues, it is reflective of their revolutionary-scientific world-view that the freedom-socialist community is moving ahead, in a practical and thoughtful manner, with exactly these types of reforms internally as we speak. For example, making better use of in-game mechanisms and working towards better, easier integration of flexible and modern meta-tools like Discord.

On that topic, see the proposed changes the SFP Constitution. These changes pretty much reflect actions that have already been taken to reduce impediments to participation.

Mighty Eelan Mousk, one of the SFP's technological wunderkinds

In fact, the SFP has long been an laboratory for innovation -- thru things like developing an in-game militia before they existed in-game, pioneering the commune approach to production, integrating meta-tools to extend the game where it has weaknesses, exploring mutual aid alternatives to the built-in capitalist production models, promoting cultural expresssion as a regular part of game, combating toxic racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia, and working towards a revolutionary internationalism, while at the same time urging opposition to the buying of retired accounts or use of multi-accounts.

Experience in innovating, thinking outside the box, and just doing it put the SFP in a good position to help the broader community on methods for improving, simplifying, integrating and perhaps, to some extent, even gamifying the meta-tools.


The Great Workingpeeps Cultural Renaissance launched by current Chair of the Revolutionary Committee of the SFP, Kamala Harris, err, RF Williams has celebrated a number of interesting and refreshing "rebirths"...

* On the new SFP Discord site, comrade-historian Leon Gutierrez has been publishing links to a number of inspirational think-pieces by former SFP luminaries, going all the way back to Osmany Ramon.

* An on-going series of reprints in the chair's paper, "Radio Free Dixie", is reprising, while also updating, Phoenix Quinn's epic comedy series on "CAPITAL in eRepublik".

* Comrade-physicist Wilhelm Rontgen has returned to game and challenged both the SFP and the e-world community to get on the revolutionary road in his manifesto "The Exposition of Cooperative Society"

* In the bold freedom-socialist spirit of innovation and fun, comrade-humorist Countess of Flame has suggested that the next PP race in the SFP should be determined by motorcyle road-jousting, rather than the usual smoky back-room deals involving piles of cash and cocaine. This proposal was met by stunned silence from the capitalist roaders entrenched within the Party bureaucracy, but greeted with shouts of joy by the revolutionary youth cadre. Like Hamlet's ghost, the spectre of PQ then arose and declared, somewhat ominously, “I never made a conscious decision to have the club become one thing or another. It just happened before my eyes. Each savage event was a catalyst for the next. And by the time the violence reached epic proportion, I couldn’t see it. Blood was every colour.”

LOLIS. (Laughing out loud in socialist)

And remember, kids...

The SFP is a far-left anarcho-syndicalist party devoted to developing an in-game social ecology of voluntarism, solidarity, fun via an on-going roll out of anarcho-socialist dance steps that benefit everyone.