[SC]Modern janissaries serve the Sultan.

Day 1,150, 13:46 Published in Turkey Hungary by IV. HUpakolas

...from Christian boys levied through the devşirme system from conquered countries in the 14th century...

Many turkish player said that we didnt help them, so i asked my soldiers to make screenshots and proof that U are wrong.Turkey is our allie and we never let you in trouble without fight.Let see the pictures.

#armija 450 angry serb
#csopper 150 eager hungarian

...and many more

Stadler 150k
LG 300k
Addictive 500k
Battalgazi 560k (yes we gives him gold coz he is strong)

1.510.000 dmg from tanking...

p.s. Dont ask help from Dracula... :3