[SC]Clash of the Titans. UPDATED.

Day 1,164, 23:10 Published in Romania Hungary by IV. HUpakolas

Just like old times, we fight for the IRON, this battle remember me the HelloKitty Lionking Karnataka battles.Pure gold burning, both country spend their weekly tax income and thousands of q5 tanks.

Let's see the TOP 5 fighter stats:

Hungary: 8.965.704

Romania: 8.587.035

How does it feel when U cant tank down a battle??

Our military power is equal, we have big spenders on both side (adamutz, ifrodo, lgabor, nima1).So who make the difference?The answer is.....

Ye we have Hussars.


And you have samba dancers 😃D

p.s. Brozilians fight only their interest, they can hit millions in South African battles, Venezuelan RWs but only 100k in their allies battles.

p.s.2 AhuauauaaaahahauauauauuahhahauahauahahAHHAUuauHHAHUAHU