*Presidential Candidate Interview*

Day 618, 12:48 Published in USA Belgium by Kylero


I've had the chance to sit down with the US Green Party's candidate for President of the eUSA, Rastamen. I asked Candidate Rastamen a few questions that The Green Republic deemed most pressing.


First and foremost, thank you for your time, and good luck on your Presidential campaign.

- Thank you for your invite.

1. You are running for President this term, what skills would you bring to that office?

- I think that our country is not in a bad situation at this moment, but i think that somethings must be changed. First, I think that to play this role is needed commitment and courage above all. And i have booth. And i promise that if i'm elected i will do the best i can.

2. Why do you wish to be President? What are your plans for the eUSA?

- I wish to be president above all to help the country and to help eCitizens. I think that we are a country that is involved in too much war, and the first thing i want to change if i'm elected is that. At this moment i ask "Where's the diplomacy?" I don't see it. We can't resolve all with war. Things must be resolved peacefully. If we make war, we receive war.

3. If elected, would you suggest to the Admins to allow non top-5 party members the freedom to run on their minor party's Congressional ticket, instead of having to choose a major party, which keeps the minor parties down?

- Yes, of course. I don't agree that non top-5 party members are required to vote on a 'major party'. That only helps them and prejudices us the 'minor partys'. That is one of my objectives undoubtedly.

4. How do you feel about PEACE GC? This war? How President Richardson has handled it? What would you have done similarly, differently?

- I will not criticize President Richardson. I agree with some aspects and i disagree with others but i am sure that he did the best he could as president and of course if i was the president i resolved things other way. But i don't wan't to talk about the past but yes about what can be done in the future.

5. Would you push for peace with PEACE if elected? And what would that mean?

- Like i said above, i'm not for the war. I think the war should be the last resort. I like to make peace with peace and diplomacy and not with war.

This concludes my interview with Rastamen, the USGP Presidential Candidate!