[NL] Type of program rewards

Day 4,566, 02:11 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

I'm writing this article because I have a questions and I want all of you to answer it.

As you probably noticed the Daily Order innitiative started under Janty F has ended this term. There were some complaints from within our community stating it was not fair that the government only compensated the national MU. Other MU's also followed government orders, why weren't they compensated?

Well that's why we dicided to terminate the program in its current form.

I am not looking for a different way to compensate people. We are e.g. considering to pay for Q4 WRM or Q4 FRM companies. Or offer you cc to buy gold with and purchase Q5 raw material companies. We can also continue with cc or start to hand out food so no one has to work in companies and can focus on fighting. What do you prefer? I would like to ask you to share your ideas and let me know what kind of rewards you would like to receive. If you have a strategic reason for your choice please add that as well!

Please comment below!

Food :
Q7 weapons :
Currency (spend it as you like) :
Currency to buy specific companies :
Gold :
Other :

