[MoFA] The world as it stands

Day 1,064, 22:50 Published in USA United Kingdom by GLaDOS

no, I'm not SoS, but my job lies in the DoS so hush

Friends, countrymen, people of the world,

Today I come before you to discuss recent events in foreign affairs, Including the new countries that have come to erepublik, a list of MPPS renewed by the country since the lantrip administration moved in, as well as the recent victories our allies and ourselves have had on multiple fronts, from the heart of europe, to the frigid steppes of siberia, to the heart of Asia.

Colin Welcomes the new nations to erepublik

To The New Nations of Erepublik
The United States Welcomes all the new countries to the world, and wishes them the best in their Fight for survival. I welcome and urge delegates from all of the new countries to contact myself or another able member of the Lantrip government so as to begin diplomatic relations between our Nations.

our latest MPPS include:

The Philippines

The State Department is working tirelessly daily to make sure the US MPP stack remains as tall and strong as it is. for our protection, as well as for the protection of our allies, a strong MPP stack means a Strong America.

now, on to war 😉

The war, in a picture

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but here's a few more
As of the writing of this article, the joint EDEN Brolliance offensive against the Phoenix menace has allowed us to wipe three hostile nations from the face of the earth. These nations include the Russian Federation, the Former Yugoslav Ski Resort Republic of Slovenia (FYSRRS), and the nation of Turkey. These key victories have taken the Allied forces one step closer to ddestroying the Phoenix Menace.

Crista22 Leading EDEN to victory 😛

On top of these recent victories in europe, we have also moved ahead with our attack on Southest asia. more can be read about this topic and the new Lantrip Doctrine here:


This concludes the national foreign affairs update for today. I urge any and all diplomats of the world to contact me Via ingame private message, or on the Rizon IRC server, my IRC nickname is GLadDOS, and I can be found lurking nighttime PST usually

Thank you for taking your time to read this, and DIO SAVE AMERICA