[MoEnt] Update on Viking World, Gali Bodyshots, Free Tanks, Intense Rob Procrastination

Day 2,803, 05:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment
Hiya. For part 1 for this article's agenda, I just wanted to apologise a bit to those people playing viking world. Gali's sodded off somewhere, and I, Rob, the man the legend, agreed to take over until his return. However the next turn for both games is gonna be delayed a bit cos I haven't got everybody friended to open up new PMs for it, and BT broadband is being lovely and temperamental. After I get those things sorted I imagine there's gonna be a cock up somewhere to do with the maps and stuff as Gali was a bit vague with what was going on. Anybody know how many sides the dice for the rolls is meant to have btw? Can I just make up dumb numbers or is there a system somewhere?

But whatevs, those of you playing that, it's coming at some point, have faith.

Right cos that was short as hell I'm also gonna leak gali's hawt pics:

I am so glad nobody walked behind me while I was doing that
K I'm done, this article is entirely a product of my procrastination, I've been Rob the Bruce, Gali's been Gali elsewhere..

MoEnt peeps

Comment for 5Q7s so I have another excuse to waste my time on here