[MoEd] Economic Module - Upgrading Companies and More!

Day 2,692, 01:14 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alexander Atem

Greetings eUK! This is Alexander Atem bringing you an update for the Ministry of Education! Today we'll discuss an aspect in the Economic Spectra and how to deal with what to do in regards to Companies, and what not to do.
If anything appears to be wrong or needs to be adjusted, please let me know.

| Finding a Solution!?

Companies are used in a variety of ways. It can be derived from cheap to extremely expensive. Not to mention it can be quite tempting to many newer members of the community to buy that Q2 (Food) Company for 27 Gold, or perhaps that Q7 (Tank) Company for 1107 Gold. Sadly, many if not all newer players will either save up gold to go and buy a higher Q(1-7) Company without realizing that there is a cheaper route to this solution.

| Upgrading a Company

At least twice if not once a month eRepublik Labs releases a Discount Promotion! That's right...discount!!! The main goal of this is to promote the fact that...Company Discounts, can save you a lot of gold, and it will truly make you feel accomplished! It sure did for me. 😁

| Crucuial Ideas

Now that we've gotten the main focus out of the way, let's move on. We'd like to give you some ideas - before buying your first company (by focusing a tad more on Raw Materials or RM for short).

1) Always check the regions resources before going any further. Look for Resource regions that can increase your production ( ...for food, ...for weapons).

2) Investigate the cost of what you produce. From Raw Food to Raw Weapons - make sure you're ahead of the game, buy selling the average price, if not a bit higher.

3) You need to definitely Save up - be precise, and decisive with a business, because it can end up hurting you in the long run. Again remember to wait for those Discounts 🙂 to come during the month.

| Other Information

Here's a few other things to keep in min😛

-It's highly recommended to have an Org to manage your company. This pertains to many benefits. By not only allowing you to keep a constant stream of cash to come to your organization, or cause, but as well give you more time to manage other problems you may face in erep. If you seriously working on a Commune, and helping out your buddies, then sure no problem, but don't do it for any other reason such as: for yourself, or for a foreign group that doesn't benefit from the inside of the UK. As a community, we're here to help one another, learn from one another, not mistrust and misuse the privilege.

-Be sure to have an open communication with the people who work for you. Add them to an MM (Ingame 'Mass Message'). They'll be happy that you do.

-Don't waste your gold flat out! If you're new, and you're already in level 24 with around 24 Gold...don't go around wasting it, or buying little health packs. Wait to invest in it for an upgrade in your companies.

-Don't buy gold from eRepublik Labs. If you're rich in RL, and you really don't care, then sh*t go for it. However, if you're desperate and need it that bad...then don't. Be in a commune that either pays you in gold or join a group that specializes in helping you raise your companies.

Thank you for reading, we hope this encourages you to be decisive when buying or upgrading your companies 🙂 While it is helpful to have a crucial understanding in the Economic Module, always be very Communicative with others so that they can help you if you'd wish to be very successful. The Economic Module slowly continues to evolve, so have a basic understanding of an aspect can help in many ways. 😃

-Finding a Solution
-Upgrading Companies
-Crucial Ideas
-More Info.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to keep an eye for the next installment from the Ministry of Education.

Until then,

-Alexander Atem