[MoE] - Soldier Skills

Day 3,126, 23:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by University of Ireland

June 12, 2016

Fighting is central to the eRepublik experience. This article will explain the basics of soldiering and offer some basic insights.

When Plato introduces Air Forces sometimes soon, we expect a massive overhaul of this tutorial 🙂. But for the time being, this is where we stand.

Prowess in battle depends on three major variables: Experience(XP) determines who you'll be fighting against, Energy dictates how much you can fight before you need to rest and Strength, Rank and Weapon Grade affect your damage output.

The Short Version

Here's a simplified illustration of the damage formula. Whenever you click the fight button you make one or more "hits" against a randomly selected enemy from the opposite side. A single click will generate 1-6 hits, depending on how many it'll take to kill your opponent (1 click = one or more hits= 1 kill)

Rank - There are 70+ military ranks in eRepublik. Rank points towards promotion are normally achieved by fighting. 10 damage points in battle will get you 1 rank point. Each new rank increases your overall damage output by you 5%.

Weapon Grade- There are 7 types of weapons in eRepublik which vary in their respective firepower. Higher weapon grade makes for more damage per hit.

Strength - The king of warfare, strength is by far the most important factor with the most influence on your relevance in combat. Only way to increase it is to train day after day in your training grounds.

Energy - You can only fight while your energy is above zero. Once you hit level 21 your max energy will be capped at 500. You lose energy when working, moving, training and fighting (10 energy per hit). You can replenish it by eating food or using energy bars. Also, the ability to eat food is limited, you can restore 10 energy for every 10 minutes passed (1440 daily cap). Bars are free to use whenever.

Experience (XP) - You advance in levels according to your XP. Experience is mainly earned via fighting, for each energy point you deplete, you receive one XP. You also get XP for voting, training and working.

While experience doesn't affect your damage in combat it does play a vital role. When two nations clash in battle, fighters are divided into 4 divisions according to level.

Each division is pitted against the corresponding division on the enemy's side. You are only relevant in combat if you're a strong fighter compared with the rest of your division.

If you let your XP overheat you'll quickly find yourself on the lower end of your division, strength-wise. You will then become irreversibly irrelevant in combat, you will not achieve any medals and you won't help Ireland.

So, what does all this mean to you, a newly born citizen trying to set forth upon a military career? Well, simply put, you have 3 strategies to choose from.
The Classic Strategy: Strength Train

Step 1: Join the Irish Army and request membership in Regiment 3, the "Baby Tank Division". Receive a daily allowance and save it.

Step 2: Prepare to refrain from fighting for a long time (at least 8 months!) while you accumulate strength.

Step 3: Train every day, and save every ounce of gold you have to upgrade your training grounds (TGs). Only upgrade during discount events, these come up every 4-6 weeks.

Click here for detailed statistical data on TGs. Training costs gold, but for every 250 strength points earned, you get a super soldier medal (5 gold). So what you need to do is to strike a delicate balance as described below.

Step 4: Train daily only in the free Weights Room, upgrade it to Q4.

Step 5: After you upgrade your Climbing Center to Q4, you can also start training it, only when it is fully upgraded will you not lose money.

Step 6: Only after you fully upgrade all of your TGs, you can sign a 90% training contract and train all 4 TGs daily. The contract becomes available every 3-5 weeks. This makes for a minimal monthly training cost. Don't bother signing a contract before you're done upgrading.

Step 7: Keep this up as long as you can. When you can't do it anymore, start fighting

The Costly Strategy: The Infantry Kit

Step 1: Join the Irish Army and request membership in Regiment 1, the "Fighting Division". Receive 12 Q7 weapons a day.

Step 2: Take your mom's credit card, wait for this to come up and buy it.

Step 3: For a month, you won't get any XP from fighting , which means you can do whatever you want as long as you use weapons and don't fight empty handed, enjoy.

The New Paradigm: Ghost Boosters

Those first two options aren't very attractive. Luckily for you, you joined eRepublik just in time to enjoy a new option which defies the golden rule.

Step 1: Join the Irish Army and request membership in Regiment 7, "the Ghost Division". Receive 10 Q7 weapons a day.

Step 2: Whenever you complete a daily order (fighting according to your MU prios and making 25 kills) you get a single Ghost Booster.

This shiny item allows you, for 1 minute, to draw upon the strongest member of your division, fighting alongside you, adding 30% of his damage to your own. When this is in effect the importance of the golden rule diminishes, you can almost always be relevant in battle

Step 3: Try to participate in the national strikes organized by the Irish Army, so you can best utilize those boosters.


There is no clear winner here. The MoE advises that you alternate between the strategies described above or better yet use a combination of strategies. In the end you should choose whatever strategy which fits your playing style.