Помош [Klimentie]

Day 3,050, 01:53 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Klimentie

Нема да должам многу
Оваа помош ја барам со цел да бидам активен Д3 елитен играч т.е. да купам IK и PP овој период не успеав да купам пакови дека не бев во состојба но со ваша помош секако би успеал во наредниот период ситацијава се следнава


This assistance I require in order to be active D3 elite player to buy IK PP and this time I couldn't buy packs that I was not able but with your help of course would succeed in the coming period the situation you can see above in the article


You have accepted 590.00 MKD from NandN from Macedonia.
You have accepted 10000.00 MKD from Robinklub.
You have accepted 5000.00 MKD from sematika.
You have accepted 1500.00 MKD from FckMKD.
NO CARRIER has transferred 50 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
Bojan Koloren has transferred 34 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
You have accepted 3000.00 MKD from BATEBOLE.
BATEBOLE has transferred 3000 Q7 Food to your storage.
You have accepted 2000.00 MKD from Green Ghetto Buildings.
Kiril Kornakov has transferred 70 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
You have accepted 5000.00 MKD from Istok Istok.
You have accepted 8500.00 MKD from Popay III.
You have accepted 1000.00 MKD from Brigate Rossonero Born Brigate.
You have accepted 20000.00 MKD from splinter in your eye.
ATEHTATOPOT has transferred 25 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
You have accepted 373.00 MKD from ATEHTATOPOT.
Beast from Makedonija has transferred 1000 Q3 Food to your storage.
Beast from Makedonija has transferred 1000 Q1 Food to your storage.
Beast from Makedonija has transferred 1000 Q2 Food to your storage.
Beast from Makedonija has transferred 25 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
You have accepted 5000.00 MKD from kostapler.
Takimanija has transferred 100 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
You have accepted 5000.00 MKD from Konan MkD.
You have accepted 25000.00 MKD from gospodinotbitola.