[Ian John Locke IV On.... the Vice Presidency?]

Day 497, 18:08 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV
News Anchor: Did the station get the right information Bill?... You're sure?... Fine I'll just read the freaking teleprompter.

So I am betting quite a few of you are wondering "Well what the heck does a Vice President do once the President is elected?"

Might I say to you... That is actually a very good question... Heck I don't even know myself... Oh shit I didn't just say that live on the air, did I?... Oh for crissakes I just say "shit" on national television... Hope that doesn't amount to any forfeit points....

Anyway, let me begin by answering your question before the admins come around to temp ban my ass.

[What in the world does a VP do?]

Many times a VP is a vote getter or party getter. In other words, the Presidential candidate doesn't feel he is popular, well known or trusted enough to actually win the election on his own. Because of this, he decides he needs someone more qualified than himself with a better reputation for activity, intelligence and good looks.

This person undoubtedly has a newspaper with a subscriber pool as large if not larger than that of the Presidential Candidate's newspaper and on occasion is the Party President of a top 5 party. The Vice President is used to impress the general public by the fact that such a well known person is lowering himself to help someone so clearly inferior to win. This impresses them so much that they feel since he is degrading himself so, they should vote for the Presidential candidate if only to get the Vice President out from between a rock and a hard place...

Best example:

Uncle Sam/Joe DaSmoe .... Uncle Sam has always had a large subscriber pool and so has Joe. Uncle Sam originally picked William Shafer to be his VP, but as real life trouble made William drop his VP candidacy, Sam consequently went for the next best player.... Joe DaSmoe.

Back to the point!

In terms of being a party getter, this person is often a very intrical member of a top 5 party who can work to influence the party in order to secure the nomination by that party. Of course this makes sense.... right?

[So you really think you're all that great?]

Oh I didn't say that was describing me... did I? Ian John Locke IV re-reads what he has written up to this point... No I didn't...

[So what have you been doing so far as the VP candidate?]

Well I have been refining Nathan's skeleton.

No not his physical bones, I'm no chiropractor.

I mean his platform's skeleton. I am known to do this frequently in the AAP around congressional elections and am famous for taking one shit of a skeleton and getting the person elected. (I won't name names here.)

As I said in my previous VP article (Here), Nate's platform was so good, I couldn't turn down his offer to be his VP. Clearly then, it wasn't that bad. In all honesty, it wasn't. It just need some reorganizing and some planning as to how to do each article and the likes.

I have helped Nathan go over the articles he's written (not all of them published yet) and we've worked on thinking up new gimmicks... erm I mean... ploys... no that's not the word... oh yeah "campaign slogans" for this month.

Nathan's been working the Libertarians over for their endorsement and I've been keeping my mouth shut about who the AAP should endorse, the article I published earlier today.

[So what will you do if Nate's elected POTUS?]

What will I do?

Why I will hold wild parties and bring all my good friends to D.C.'s finest strip bar! That's what I'll do! USING TAX PAYER MONEYZ!

Oh wait, I wasn't supposed to say that...

Actually, I will continue my role that I have had right now during the elections... advisor, confidant, all around "bro", IRC junkie, Google Docs manager, and I will make sure the Chief of Staff is using their whip to keep the Cabinet in order.

(Me as Nate's br😇

I will meet with the War Tactics Council. I will aid the communication link between Congress and the President's office. I will also make sure Nate gets each and every one of your messages that you will submit through the Google Form we are planning to institute.

I will also become a presence on our eUSA Forums (again) and encourage unity between the Atlantis member nations on their forums.

I will patiently listen to your suggestions and then tell you why you're wrong, I'm right and then go bring your idea to Nate as my own 😉 😛

I will dedicate as much time as I have each day to eRepublik and Nate and you, the people of America who I know (wink wink) will help Nathan into office using your computer mice/laptop touchpads.

Go ahead on April 5th and click the VOTE! button for Nathan Woods.

Forget that there is any other candidate in this race...

Just remember, you laughed when you read this article 😉

APRIL 5 2009

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