[I&W] I love it when a government comes together

Day 953, 19:22 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

Dear fellow countrymen,

Before you I will present a great team of people in which I am fully confident to do justice to our great country. They have proven themselves time and again and have lead the path to our country as it exists today. I will explain why I find these persons suited for their tasks.

Proposed government Garmr I
5 July 2010

Prime Minister: Myers11

With the knowledge provided and the skill shown in his past term as president, I fully believe that Myers will be dedicated to the job as Prime Minister. In this way, we can immediately continue to work on our country and not need time to re-coordinate with our foreign friends and internal affairs.

Minister of Defence: Tim Veltkamp

Tim has done many great things in previous terms on this position. Being in place for many months, he can continue the high trend of this ministry.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Myers11

Because of his existing and ongoing connections in our international community, it is vital to assign Myers to this spot. It takes time to build up such connections so it is vital to profit from the already existing ones.

Minister of Recruitment and Coaching: AndreasIsaksson

AI has agreed to this position. I am fully confident that with all his experience in the game he can make a great representative to both new and future players.

Minister of Finance: Mitch Rapp

Mitch is exactly the person needed on this position. He can put his finger on the sore spots and create a view from a different angle, which is needed to make the right decision. With his two terms as President he knows this country from top to bottom.

Minister of Economy, State Companies and Raw Materials: Hollenboer

Hollenboer has made an impressive career in Raw Materials. Through this, he has learned everything about the state companies and local economy as well as world economy. This makes him able to secure a time of economic prosper.

Minister of Information & Interior: Konrad Neumann

This master of the pencil does not let any chance go by to write a great (literal and figurative) article to educate and stir debate among people across many nations. This feature makes him the perfect candidate to educate and inform every person in our nation.

I have not yet included the State Secretaries, because some of them are not yet filled in. If you think you qualify for a secretary position on any of the ministries, please contact me for a job interview.

Sincere regards,
My plans always come together.



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